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  1. BlytheE

    Creative Team Call!!

    I am looking for a few good scrappers to join and help me expand my current team. I have 10 spots available. My terms are pretty simple: -3 layouts per month. -Post at 3 galleries; 2 specific, 1 (or more) of choice. -Check the CT forum at least 1x a week. If interested, Please email me...
  2. BlytheE

    A Fond Farewell...

    Becky- you will be SOOO missed!! Please keep in touch, us Northern Cali girls gotta stick together (and meet up soon!!)! ((HUGS))
  3. BlytheE

    Hellloooo :):) from NC

  4. BlytheE

    Want Free Stuff?

    Look here! Time's a Tickin! https://ozone.oscraps.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10494
  5. BlytheE

    Early Release Day from Blythe Evans!

    I have been hard at work all week long and I have some new goodies for you. I was so excited to get them out that I am releasing them 2 days early! All images are linked. Incase you missed it last week, my Spotlight (not so) Mini-kit it is now up for sale! Sample Layout by...
  6. BlytheE

    Comment by 'BlytheE' in media 'A Hot Christmas'

    Ooh this is so cool! I love the color combo you used and all the elements you used. Great job!
  7. BlytheE

    Comment by 'BlytheE' in media 'looking for christmas'

    Great page.. the extractions are wonderful!
  8. BlytheE

    Comment by 'BlytheE' in media '"F" is for Fun with Grandma'

    Aww that is sweet! Great job recoloring!
  9. BlytheE

    Comment by 'BlytheE' in media 'Simply Spiderwort'

    I love this. The extraction and out of bounds is genius and the titlework is suberb. Great job!!
  10. BlytheE

    Comment by 'BlytheE' in media 'Superhero'

    OMG how cute is this! I love it. Great job!
  11. BlytheE

    Comment by 'BlytheE' in media 'Peace'

    Aww how sweet! They all look so peaceful. Great job!
  12. BlytheE

    Comment by 'BlytheE' in media 'Dear Santa'

    Oh. My. Gosh! How stinkin cute! I love it.. especially the journaling. WONDERFULLY DONE!
  13. BlytheE

    Comment by 'BlytheE' in media 'Moments'

    awww I love that little snowguy! So cute. Great job on this page. the clustering is gorgeous. Great page!
  14. BlytheE

    Comment by 'BlytheE' in media 'April5'

    Great desktop! It's so soft and sweet. Great job on the blending too.
  15. BlytheE

    Comment by 'BlytheE' in media 'Believing'

    This is so sweet. What a great photo you have here! It really captures the spirit of Christmas. Great page.
  16. BlytheE

    Comment by 'BlytheE' in media 'Together'

    Wow Madi, this is gorgeous! I love how you created the border on the edge and your composition is perfect!
  17. BlytheE

    Comment by 'BlytheE' in media 'True Love'

    I love this. It is so powerful, yet so simple. Wonderfful job!
  18. BlytheE

    Comment by 'BlytheE' in media 'thankful kids!'

    Love the frames, love the alphas, love the photos.. AHH I love it all. Gorgoeus job!
  19. BlytheE

    Comment by 'BlytheE' in media 'D is for Diva'

    LOVE the colors choices here and the black and white photo is perfect. Your title work just pops right off the page, great shadowing and choice of alphas!!