
Scrappie Irene
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  • Thank you deeply for the spell checking. We adored this city of Marken. I send this day my book of 72 pages to be printed, but you will see other pages of Netherlands on the gallery because I still have numerous photos! Myla
    Hi...I think you are responsible for the beautiful watercolor tutorial...I have tried it with mixed results...Basically the black lines are not very dark and when I bring the color back it is on top of the lines and looks like it...tried reversing the layers but that was not the answer this is not what I am seeing in the posted pages...one of the last has VERY dark lines...Is there a way to make the likes be more distinct?
    Thank you for your answer! :)
    I will of course give you credit, and also add the information you asked to include.


    I'm on the DT of a new Israeli Challenge blog located at http://yotzot.blogspot.com. Along with the creative challenges, we will be featuring reviews and tutorials every other week.

    I plan to publish a review taking a look at digital scrap, with the hope of exposing more people to its existence and versatility (digiscrap is not very common in Israel). I would like to ask your permission to showcase one of your layouts ('country farm') as part of my review. It will of course be accompanied by a credit to you and a link to your blog (or anywhere else you'd like me to link to) under each image.

    Thank you for your time
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