
Scrap Stories: It's Collecting, not Hoarding…


Well-Known Member
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I have exactly 4,177 templates in the folder creatively named 'Templates', and a couple hundred more scattered across random designer folders that I haven't gotten round to moving to the proper 'Templates' folder yet because… well, I have priorities. My collection is vast. I have templates for all occasions and styles, from minimalistic white-space-three-elements-only beauties to super artsy blend-and-mask-like-a-scientist-possessed monsters. I have templates from designers who stopped designing years ago… I have vintage freebies from back in the day when some of the current designers were just bursting into the world of digiscrapping by generously handing out works of art… I have simple 3x4 grids in a variety of corners (of all things) that I can't believe I actually purchased, my only excuse being that I was still learning how to use my software and thought drawing a rectangle was the one hidden skill I could never master… But the true gem of my collection? Stuff I haven't even unzipped yet. Yep…. I clearly needed those back in 2016.

And don't even get me started on kits. No, really don't. Even my Windows Explorer needs a moment (or ten) to process the total size of my 7,854 folders. I WILL disclose that I have two EHD 520GB each which I don't use much these days. I will ALSO admit that a significant portion of the 1TB on my laptop is taken up by kits… but will NOT go into further details. I wouldn't want to give you lot the impression that I have a problem.

And yet, those hundreds of gigabytes of goodness and creativity are somehow not enough. Not nearly, for those who say getting supplies for one's hobby is a hobby in itself… are spot on. Oh, the joy of browsing a store, clicking on kits and bundles, looking through sample layouts, mentally selecting photos from my library… the heartache of realizing I don't have a template to suit my imaginary layout… and the instant relief that comes from browsing some more. Welcome to my world of… well, let's not call it hoarding… collecting would be a better word.

Before I know it, my coffee has gone cold and my way-too-smart watch insists it is time to stop hobbying and face reality because - apparently - all the things that need doing have once again refused to do themselves. The audacity! So, I add a couple of items to my wish list, sigh contentedly and close the laptop. No, I don't buy anything. Not today… I'm still working through my last purchase. But I know, I'll be back in a couple of days… because there was that one kit I saw which is a total must-have!

Well, this was a Monday morning well spent!
Olga, have you been looking at my computer and EHD????? Okay, I am newer to digi scrapping and its only been two years of collecting so far but I am well on my way to where you are!!! This story was perfect and so much fun. Thank you for sharing. I too have templates I've never used and aren't my style but in the moment I had to have them!
Welcome to my club for people lying to themselves!

Love your page Eva... I can totally relate - I have a ton of cross stitching supplies and kits and charts I'll never use but can't part with. Some of the older stuff has been with us for almost 20 years... traveled the world, stayed in the box at every destination - is still there - and will travel again because I am not throwing it away...
Yep! The story resides here as well. And thank goodness for EHD's - perfect little scrap hiding places from Mark, who has NO IDEA how big my hoard actually is!
nobody needs to know... not even you because what if the logical you starts pestering you with ideas that you don't need it??? then the creative you might kiss back 'my precioussssssss' and... well... who needs this internal turmoil??
Olga you made me chuckle I'm sure most of us can relate. I'm with you but I don't know my numbers. I also collect (it's not hoarding) -Photos. When we travel I shot away because we are most likely not ever going back there so I take thousands. I really need to sort through them too.
Olga you made me chuckle I'm sure most of us can relate. I'm with you but I don't know my numbers. I also collect (it's not hoarding) -Photos. When we travel I shot away because we are most likely not ever going back there so I take thousands. I really need to sort through them too.
Amen, sistah, I'm also guilty of that. Why take one sunset picture when I can take 50 and go back the next night and take 50 more
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: Oh I am so glad there are other like-minded people like me out in the world!!! I had to giggle though, reading through your article Olga! Like Jeanne and Tracey I wonder if you have been watching me as well!! hahahaaa!!! and I am NOT going to reveal the number of EHD's I have that are full of digital kits, actions, fonts............ stuff that I really NEED! and no way will I ever delete them! lol! (I even keep the zipped files in case something happens to my unzipped files!!!) :rotfl:

Before digi scrapping I used to sew quilts........ so I had a BIG stash of fabrics. I would go on a business trip and come home with more fabric each time ....... to the point where I used to stuff the fabric packages into grocery labeled bags so hubs wouldn't see it! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: I did end up giving a lot of that away when we moved down here but as I type this post I can look in front of me and see the loads of fabric that I did keep, all neatly folded in little stacks behind the glass window panel of my craft cupboard and admire all the pretty florals and colours! :lovey3: :giggle4: I would be super happy if the rest of my house was as tidy as my fabric cupboard!! :giggle4: