
Daily Ooos: Monday, March 24


The Loopy-O
Good morning and here's to a new week ahead!

It is cloudy and cool here in NJ with a little bit of rain and snow mixed in. Maybe the dreary weather will keep me sitting down for the majority of the day. Why, you ask? Did Faery perhaps overdo it this weekend?
I am *offended* that you would even think such a thing!
*takes gloves off and smacks everyone on both cheeks*

Give me an inch and I will take a mile. And the wardens let me hang myself and then roll their eyes at me. Halfway through cooking dinner (the 2nd night) I had to give up and ask Gary to finish it.
What did I end up doing yesterday other than cooking dinner?
Whatever I did, my office is a total mess. :oops:

That is on my to-do list for today. I can roll myself around and put things into neater piles. I finished the outlines for all 6 weeks of the HS lessons and I am pretty excited about (most of) them. As I flesh them out I can tweak and retweak until I am satisfied. And then I will tweak them some more.
Other than that-- I worked on a puzzle a little while with Gary. Placed my grocery order. Talked to my parents.

Today- clean my office. Yup. That's it.

*smiles serenely*
I can do this. I can sit with my foot up all day long. As long as I need to.

(can I though? ):shakingsense::exitroom:
Ok, I am going to see if I can do personals-- the site was timing out in Firefox but posted in Chrome. keep your fingers crossed that this thing is on :p

Now Pot, does Kettle need to tell your warden that youre doing too much??? :rollingpin1: Dont make me come over there and yell at you. I'm a grumpy traveler and I hate waiting around airports, but for you I will! Now sit down and please while making dinner tonight, cause we both know your stubborn determined to do it, please sit while you cut everything up!!!! Please!!!!!
No need to travel! I learned my lesson and am sitting down. (The little voice in my head is saying "for now. You are sitting down for now." Any advice on how to shut her up? :tongueout1: )
How are you feeling today after swapping the linens and then cooking, and then being out at church?

@BoatLady Ugh about the water leak!
my lights are some ground, spot lites for the palms and some hanging ones too. Plus the ones I already have...it's like a fairy land out there...sparkles all over. We could sit out there with headlamps on and make baskets!!! I hope you are enjoying your birds. I have been having trouble with raccoons bothering my feeders so I only put a little seed in them every day. So those sinkholes might affect our drive North this summer so I will have to keep any eye on the road situation. They say "all roads lead to home"
Your yard sounds so beautiful and peaceful!
I don't think the sinkholes will affect you this summer, IIRC from your itinerary-- you were cutting through eastern PA rather than coming up the NJ coastline/Rt 95 to get to Promised Land? The Rt 80 sinkholes are in Morris County. I'll keep you posted on the progress. The Rt 287 sinkhole was from a collapsed drainpipe so that is fixed already. The 80 ones are from collapsed mine shafts which is why is a much bigger problem and will take longer to fix.

@bcgal00 You are even busier than your usual very busy. Is the weather getting nicer for you to take Remi out for longer walks? And her knee is doing well?

@BrightEyes I am looking forward to seeing your April challenge page, I am sure it is full of love.
Yes, there is a second part for Wicked. It's already filmed, they did it at the same time as Part 1. The first movie is the first act of the play and the 2nd is the 2nd act. (Duh! LOL) That's where you will see the connections to The Wizard of Oz. There have been a few - like how the Flying Monkeys came to be, but the rest of the main threads will show up in the next one. It also flips some of the assumptions of Good and Wicked which is neat.

@vickyday Sounds like you had a nice visit with Noah. The last time he was staying with you guys, he gave Mark some grief, is that all worked out of his system?

Morning all. Just a quick in and out this AM... have to drive halfway across town to pick up the tax package from my accountant. Their office is one block south of one of the busiest/dangerous intersection... and I have turn left across traffic - no traffic light!!! UGH!!! Need to find a new - less dangerous way to get there (they blocked off the shortcut I used to take through an apartment complex). And will run a few other errands and get some groceries while I am out. At least the weather is improving... will be into the mid-70's most of this week with moderate winds... dance4

Good Monday morning everyone! It is another rainy day and DH is home from work again today, but it’s been a trail run as to what retirement life will be. It will be ok I am sure and he already knows that he needs to give me my space. He actually slept in until 7am this morning, that never happens! It was a very miserably rainy day yesterday, so he decided to get the taxes done and it was good news for both of us. We both will be getting a bit of money back from the government. I cooked a roast beef dinner and sent over a couple of plates to the In- Laws. MIL was very happy to not do any cooking. We had a glass of wine with them and chatted for a bit, talked about SIL Linda’s upcoming 70th birthday and made plans to have everyone over to our place for a party. Hopefully we can get MIL up our stairs! We chuckled as FIL told us he will be 92 in April and we were like… No it’s your 91st birthday and even MIL thought he was going to be 92. Sheesh stop making yourself older than you are LOL. I think he was kind of relieved that he was younger than he thought :giggle4:. So today I am going to work on a bit of scrapping and then I will make some cheesy zucchini bread for the last 5 lunches that I have to make :claphands::dancing6:I am a happy woman!!

That is on my to-do list for today. I can roll myself around and put things into neater piles. I finished the outlines for all 6 weeks of the HS lessons and I am pretty excited about (most of) them. As I flesh them out I can tweak and retweak until I am satisfied. And then I will tweak them some more.
Other than that-- I worked on a puzzle a little while with Gary. Placed my grocery order. Talked to my parents.
Had to laugh that the wardens let you hang yourself :lol23:I hope that you can get your office all tidy and clean without having to try to stand on your feet. I started to work on my craft room yesterday and gave my DH a job to do so I could have some more organization. I want shelves put in the closet in that room, so I am hoping he will start on that today. Please behave yourself today.
Morning all. Just a quick in and out this AM... have to drive halfway across town to pick up the tax package from my accountant. Their office is one blocksouth of one of the busiest/dangerous intersection... and I have turn left across traffic - no traffic light!!! UGH!!! Need to find a new - less dangerous way to get there (they blocked off the shortcut I used to take through an apartment complex). And will run a few other errands and get some groceries while I am out. At least the weather is improving... will be into the mid-70's most of this week with moderate winds... dance4
Oh I hate that when there is no traffic lights at busy, dangerous intersections, please be careful!! Perhaps google can give you a safer route to take? Glad to hear that the winds have calmed down a bit and that your temps are nice and mild! We are having much warmer temps too, just wish the rain would stop for a day or two!

Ok I am off to the shower before Heather calls, she will find it strange to see her Dad home when she calls, but nice that she gets to talk with him also!! Have a lovely Monday everyone! :waving1
DH is home from work again today, but it’s been a trail run as to what retirement life will be. It will be ok I am sure and he already knows that he needs to give me my space.
I have no idea why it places new quotes at the top when the curser was at the bottom where I wanted it placed. So sorry its out of order and looks funny. Oh well. The good news is that after an adjustment, retirement is wonderful. I wont say it takes a couple months but at least your hubs is learning already to give you space. That huge. :heartpumppink:

Good Morning Ladies!

No need to travel! I learned my lesson and am sitting down. (The little voice in my head is saying "for now. You are sitting down for now." Any advice on how to shut her up? :tongueout1: )
How are you feeling today after swapping the linens and then cooking, and then being out at church?
Oh. Pot I'm so sorry you had to learn the lesson the hard way!! Kettle would have gladly come yelled at you. :hug2: So the little voice, yeah tell her to shut up. When I am in the moment I think yeah I can get up and push or I can sit and take care of me. Which do I want, stubborn or healed. For a little voice she sure is loud. I've had to be down more the last five years then ever in my life with covid trying to kill me and then several surgeries that I'm learning to keep that voice lower and learning I am worth taking care of. If it were anyone else in the house would I want them up and about? Nope, so its ok for me to be down too. :heartpumppink:

yesterday was a beautiful day! My porch was almost 80*F and it was amazing. I washed sheets, hung them outside and read my book while they dried. It was perfect. I wore compression pants to church so I didn't have to play the pull up game with thigh highs. This means I could actually put on socks. I had no idea how much I was still swollen until I took off my socks and pants and saw just how indented my ankles were from the socks. They were mid calf socks and Didn't pull them up, so they were bunched at the ankle. I had a massive indent. Skinny ankle, two inches up the leg skinny then it expanded, way more then I thought it would. Guess there's still some swelling happening. Darn it means I will be back in the tighter thigh highs. UGH! Oh well, I can sit. I can thigh high. I hope its sunny again. Even though the temps only 40* max as long as the sun shines it means my porch will be 75-80*F for a couple hours and it is bliss.

Coffee is calling!!! @BrightEyes please be safe Kay!!! Dont take chances with the left turn.
Have a great day!
Good morning ladies. I am heading out for a walk with Remi in a minute and then will head over to use our truck to help a friend move more of her stuff. I'll be heading over to the registry office later to fill out the form for my biz license. I talked to them on the phone and it'll be quick paperwork. Then Ruby Rae Designs will be official! I'll need to get packaging supplies soon. I have a few upcoming orders already so things are starting to happen and I'm not even in the store yet LOL.

I never did get any CT work done yesterday but hopefully tonight or tomorrow I'll get my upcoming challenge prepped. There just aren't enough hours in the day.

@faerywings Thx for asking, Remi's leg seems to be good for now. Fingers crossed it stays that way. She is handling the change in lifestyle really well.

@AK_Tracy I ended up ordering pizza :) Couldn't help myself. I was craving it.

@BrightEyes We play mahjong with the official playbook and am eagerly awaiting the 2025 to be delivered soon. It's become one of my fave games.

@taxed4ever Yes, it'll be important to have your space. It was an adjustment for us when we retired as D wanted to do everything with me and wanted me to fill up our days but he adjusted and now is used to me hanging out in my office while he does his own thing for at part of every day.

I'd better get going. HAGD everyone.
Good Morning,
Actually it is the afternoon already! Woke up to IBS stomach symptoms, so just now fixing lunch to be eaten around 2 p.m. since it feels like I might be able to eat now! On days like this, coffee is the only thing I can handle....most of the time.

Rainy, gloomy day and not feeling great means it is a pj day for me. I got a couple of pages done for the CP of CarolW's. I made one of them an art journaling type of page....I guess, LOL! I still need lots of work on those to make them look decent! I better hurry since I will be working with the AJ team beginning in April! :wow2: I don't want to embarrass them, LOL!

I also am caught up with my ATCs. I haven't posted the last several because I didn't use OScraps kits for them. Shame on me! :spanking: I was so far behind that I took the easy way out and used pre-made backgrounds so I wouldn't have to add anything but the daily verse!

Have a great afternoon!

As I flesh them out I can tweak and retweak until I am satisfied. And then I will tweak them some more.
Sounds like me with my monthly devotions for the widows!
Sounds like you had a nice visit with Noah. The last time he was staying with you guys, he gave Mark some grief, is that all worked out of his system?
Noah is Noah.....he still has a lot of growing up to do! But he and Mark were pretty civil with one another this weekend!
it’s been a trail run as to what retirement life will be. It will be ok I am sure and he already knows that he needs to give me my space.
HA! I'm wondering if going to the woods is Mark's way of giving ME space instead of the other way around! I'll take it! ;)
@AK_Tracy I ended up ordering pizza :) Couldn't help myself. I was craving it.
I hope it was as amazing as you dreamed it would be. Sometimes you just have to feed the craving.
I will be working with the AJ team beginning in April! :wow2: I don't want to embarrass them, LOL!
I highly doubt that you could embarrass them. I've seen your layouts and you have nothin to fear, they are amazing.

Todays not warm. Just got up to 40* and it will start going down again in an hour. Laundry is ..... well never really done is it? I got the towels/sheets from the weekend folded and hubs put them away. Now I just need to make my bed, fold my clothes, and scrap a bit more of our vacation.
I can do this. I can sit with my foot up all day long. As long as I need to.
YES! You can!
Yes, there is a second part for Wicked.
I may be in the minority, but I don't get the fascination with Wicked. I saw the theatre version with Belle in San Diego. I don't remember much about it, mostly because I fell asleep and missed most of it. o_O
have turn left across traffic - no traffic light!!!
That sounds positively dangerous. I agree with Trudy - see if you can google another way around!
t will be ok I am sure and he already knows that he needs to give me my space
THIS is a universal truth! This is something my Mark would say they teach at husband school.
My porch was almost 80*F and it was amazing. I washed sheets, hung them outside and read my book while they dried. It was perfect.
Sounds positively blissful! And just a week ago you had all that white, gorgeous snow!
I will be working with the AJ team beginning in April!
That's awesome, Vicky! You're going to rock it!

@faerywings Our parakeet was here three days, then gone two days, and he was back tonight. He's so well flighted and looks very healthy. I'm putting extra parakeet seed out for him within the wild bird mix. We even saw him at our bird bath drinking. I'm glad it's warm out for him. I suspect if he sticks around he'd manage just fine through summer, but winter would not work for the little guy. I hope he sticks around, and maybe I can trap him and bring him in before winter. I have one good picture of him - I'll try to get some more and make a layout of him!

Today was a good day. There are two software programs that we use regularly at work. Both were acting up today to the point that I literally shut down my machine and went for a walk for thirty minutes. When I came back and rebooted, everything seemed to be in order. The other thing that happened today is that UPS was supposed to deliver Mark's new phone between 12 - 4. (Of course he couldn't pick one that was available in the store - but that's a story for another thread!) :jawdrop3: I made arrangements for a neighbor to be here during that time, and she even offered to come early at 11. Guess what. UPS came at 10 and of course no one was here. Now they're routing the package to a local CVS and won't be available until 7 PM tomorrow. Which means pick up Wednesday. Couldn't they just come in the window they promised? So frustrating.

Just got home from bible study and it was sooo good. It's always good. Just checking in then heading to bed!
Hope you all have a good rest of your night!
I may be in the minority, but I don't get the fascination with Wicked. I saw the theatre version with Belle in San Diego. I don't remember much about it, mostly because I fell asleep and missed most of it. o_O
I'm with you, only I've never seen anything but previews.
Sounds positively blissful! And just a week ago you had all that white, gorgeous snow!
Today made up for yesterday. Was cold! Never got above 40*F even on my porch. It feels almost like it could snow again. It is still March.