
Daily Ooos: March 22-23: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Happy, happy weekend!!
How are the O-zies doing today? I hope the sun is shining bright and the birds are singing. I heard a full-on dawn chorus this morning when I let the dogs outside. So many birds at once. I can only pick out a few songs but that's an improvement over last year.

I was pretty busy yesterday compared to the last few weeks. It was nice getting out of the house and visiting with Scott. He got a new bass guitar and was showing it off to Gary. I miss listening to Gary play, definitely miss hearing Scott. Tom plays but he plays through his headphones or when we are out. Although he plays *very* heavy, scream-y music, way heavier than Gary ever did. Might be a good thing I don't hear it. LOL

The doctor's appointment went fine. Pfft. Exactly what I was expecting and exactly *not* what I wanted to hear. In my fantasy world, the bone was healing so rapidly that I could start working soon. Even if I was still in the boot, I could be outside doing my thing. The reality is the bone is healing exactly as it should be. Three more weeks and I go back for more x-rays. I'm allowed to start being on my feet for an hour at a time next week. Then put my foot up, ice it if I need to, see how I feel, and slowly increase the time on my foot.


I hear it, I understand it, but I don't hafta like it.

I told Gary that it finally dawned on me that I *broke* my foot. Last time, the X-rays showed such a tiny line that it was easy for me to downplay it. I could see the repairing of the bone on this set which made it very clear where the break was. (Is. It's still broken, Faery). Gary shook his head and laughed at me. He is so used to me and my stubborn as a brick head.

Today I am going to the FP and will be grateful for anything they have. Not working/cleaning is hitting my bank account hard so I can't tell you how much it helps, even if it is just a bag of dog food and a can of coffee.

After that- who knows??
I need suggestions for things to keep me busy. I am only halfway through this and I don't know if my brain or butt (one in the same most days) will survive.

Hope you have a wonderful day and weekend!! ♥♥♥
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Good Morning!
Its a great day, its 10 minutes old so far and I am having coffee. Its a great day. We finished the Reverse Osmosis install. What a mess. Thankfully the electric was easier. We found one of the wires had come undone when we pushed the dishwasher back in place. That was what I thought but wasn't sure. It was an easy fix over all and the rest went fairly quick. Then I cleaned the kitchen. Started the dishwasher running, washed all the hand dishes, and cleaned the counters while hubs put away all the tools and stored the extra pieces that were left over from the RO system. They gave a couple extras so it wasn't something we forgot. Then I sat. I did more yesterday then. Wednesday and boy it felt good and achey. In a good way. Getting back to normal.

@faerywings Wish I had ideas of what you could do while still sitting down doing nothing. You're doing what I already do, read, scrap, and look around going ugh what do we do now. Ive never scrapped on anything but a laptop so that's easier for me, I can do it while reclined. Maybe watch a movie or show.

Today is low key :giggle4: Gonna spend some time with the grands and then hubs wants to clean house. We got all our stuff from out of state storage and now we gotta sort and put it away. We're half done but he wants the kids to help clean the rest of the house too. Should be interesting. Yesterday youngest asked what he should do, I sad vacuum. He looks at me and says "like a guy?" Dogs are blowing their coats and last time he missed all the hair balls in the corners LOL I told him no, vacuum like your dinner depends on it. He did a great job!!! :floorlaugh:

Time for round two with coffee. Have a wonderful day!
Morning ladies! It is a sunny but very chilly morning, more snow on the mountain tops and with the sun shining on them it looks so darn pretty! It won't last though as more rain is on the way. March is turning into a very wet month! We had so much fun at my Gary's retirement party! Such a great bunch of people that he has worked with over the years! There were about 50 people there and they sent him off with so many nice cards, gifts and well wishes!! I will have to start working on a scrap page with some of the pictures I got last night. I can see why he had a hard time retiring from his job, he was so well liked and respected and he felt overwhelmed with the love he got from everyone! I am so darn proud of him!! After the party we really hadn't had much in the way of food, we were too busy mingling etc. So we went out for a nice dinner together and talked the night away about the party and all the wonderful people he has worked with over the years. My DH retired from the RCMP after 35 years of service and went right into his next job with the Municipality of North Cowichan working for the RCMP doing crime exhibits and being court liaison. He has held this job for 13 years, so he has worked in the Police world for 48 years. I think its time to retire!! Anyway his last day is the 31st of March, so only 5 more lunches to make as he is on days off until this Tuesday. It will be a day of running errands and getting groceries, but not too much else is happening, so hopefully I can started on scrapping about the party.

The doctor's appointment went fine. Pfft. Exactly what I was expecting and exactly *not* what I wanted to hear. In my fantasy world, the bone was healing so rapidly that I could start working soon. Even if I was still in the boot, I could be outside doing my thing. The reality is the bone is healing exactly as it should be. Three more weeks and I go back for more x-rays. I'm allowed to start being on my feet for an hour at a time next week. Then put my foot up, ice it if I need to see how I feel, and slowly increase the time on my foot.


I hear it, I understand it, but I don't hafta like it.
I know you really wanted to hear that your foot was all healed up, but be a good patient and this will be over before you know it! Hope that you get everything that you need at the FP today and that you are having nice enough weather that you can sit outside in the warmth of the sun and listen to your birds sing!
Today is low key :giggle4: Gonna spend some time with the grands and then hubs wants to clean house. We got all our stuff from out of state storage and now we gotta sort and put it away. We're half done but he wants the kids to help clean the rest of the house too. Should be interesting. Yesterday youngest asked what he should do, I sad vacuum. He looks at me and says "like a guy?" Dogs are blowing their coats and last time he missed all the hair balls in the corners LOL I told him no, vacuum like your dinner depends on it. He did a great job!!! :floorlaugh:
I am envious of you being able to see your grands, mine are so far away and face time although it is great, it just isn't the same! Glad to hear that your youngest did a good job of vacuuming :vacuuming:, isn't food a wonderful incentive!! :giggle4: I bet you are so happy to have your kitchen put back together and cleaned up!! That's great that the electrical was an easy fix! Enjoy your new reverse osmosis and I hope you DH loves the Wush Machine!!

Ok its time to dry my hair and get some brunch started, then get my grocery list onto my phone. Have a wonderful Saturday everyone! :waving1
Happy, happy weekend!!
How are the O-zies doing today? I hope the sun is shining bright and the birds are singing. I heard a full-on dawn chorus this morning when I let the dogs outside. So many birds at once. I can only pick out a few songs but that's an improvement over last year.

I was pretty busy yesterday compared to the last few weeks. It was nice getting out of the house and visiting with Scott. He got a new bass guitar and was showing it off to Gary. I miss listening to Gary play, definitely miss hearing Scott. Tom plays but he plays through his headphones or when we are out. Although he plays *very* heavy, scream-y music, way heavier than Gary ever did. Might be a good thing I don't hear it. LOL

The doctor's appointment went fine. Pfft. Exactly what I was expecting and exactly *not* what I wanted to hear. In my fantasy world, the bone was healing so rapidly that I could start working soon. Even if I was still in the boot, I could be outside doing my thing. The reality is the bone is healing exactly as it should be. Three more weeks and I go back for more x-rays. I'm allowed to start being on my feet for an hour at a time next week. Then put my foot up, ice it if I need to see how I feel, and slowly increase the time on my foot.


I hear it, I understand it, but I don't hafta like it.

I told Gary that it finally dawned on me that I *broke* my foot. Last time, the X-rays showed such a tiny line that it was easy for me to downplay it. I could see the repairing of the bone on this set which made it very clear where the break was. (Is. It's still broken, Faery). Gary shook his head and laughed at me. He is so used to me and my stubborn as a brick head.

Today I am going to the FP and will be grateful for anything they have. Not working/cleaning is hitting my bank account hard so I can't tell you how much it helps, even if it is just a bag of dog food and a can of coffee.

After that- who knows??
I need suggestions for things to keep me busy. I am only halfway through this and I don't know if my brain or butt (one in the same most days) will survive.

Hope you have a wonderful day and weekend!! ♥♥♥
Do this google search and see what you come up with.....or leave out the word "creatives".....
things for creatives to do when they are bored
Good Morning!
Its a great day, its 10 minutes old so far and I am having coffee. Its a great day. We finished the Reverse Osmosis install. What a mess. Thankfully the electric was easier. We found one of the wires had come undone when we pushed the dishwasher back in place. That was what I thought but wasn't sure. It was an easy fix over all and the rest went fairly quick. Then I cleaned the kitchen. Started the dishwasher running, washed all the hand dishes, and cleaned the counters while hubs put away all the tools and stored the extra pieces that were left over from the RO system. They gave a couple extras so it wasn't something we forgot. Then I sat. I did more yesterday then. Wednesday and boy it felt good and achey. In a good way. Getting back to normal.

@faerywings Wish I had ideas of what you could do while still sitting down doing nothing. You're doing what I already do, read, scrap, and look around going ugh what do we do now. Ive never scrapped on anything but a laptop so that's easier for me, I can do it while reclined. Maybe watch a movie or show.

Today is low key :giggle4: Gonna spend some time with the grands and then hubs wants to clean house. We got all our stuff from out of state storage and now we gotta sort and put it away. We're half done but he wants the kids to help clean the rest of the house too. Should be interesting. Yesterday youngest asked what he should do, I sad vacuum. He looks at me and says "like a guy?" Dogs are blowing their coats and last time he missed all the hair balls in the corners LOL I told him no, vacuum like your dinner depends on it. He did a great job!!! :floorlaugh:

Time for round two with coffee. Have a wonderful day!
vacuum like your dinner depends on it.
HA! I might have to use that one sometime! ;)
Morning ladies! It is a sunny but very chilly morning, more snow on the mountain tops and with the sun shining on them it looks so darn pretty! It won't last though as more rain is on the way. March is turning into a very wet month! We had so much fun at my Gary's retirement party! Such a great bunch of people that he has worked with over the years! There were about 50 people there and they sent him off with so many nice cards, gifts and well wishes!! I will have to start working on a scrap page with some of the pictures I got last night. I can see why he had a hard time retiring from his job, he was so well liked and respected and he felt overwhelmed with the love he got from everyone! I am so darn proud of him!! After the party we really hadn't had much in the way of food, we were too busy mingling etc. So we went out for a nice dinner together and talked the night away about the party and all the wonderful people he has worked with over the years. My DH retired from the RCMP after 35 years of service and went right into his next job with the Municipality of North Cowichan working for the RCMP doing crime exhibits and being court liaison. He has held this job for 13 years, so he has worked in the Police world for 48 years. I think its time to retire!! Anyway his last day is the 31st of March, so only 5 more lunches to make as he is on days off until this Tuesday. It will be a day of running errands and getting groceries, but not too much else is happening, so hopefully I can started on scrapping about the party.

I know you really wanted to hear that your foot was all healed up, but be a good patient and this will be over before you know it! Hope that you get everything that you need at the FP today and that you are having nice enough weather that you can sit outside in the warmth of the sun and listen to your birds sing!

I am envious of you being able to see your grands, mine are so far away and face time although it is great, it just isn't the same! Glad to hear that your youngest did a good job of vacuuming :vacuuming:, isn't food a wonderful incentive!! :giggle4: I bet you are so happy to have your kitchen put back together and cleaned up!! That's great that the electrical was an easy fix! Enjoy your new reverse osmosis and I hope you DH loves the Wush Machine!!

Ok its time to dry my hair and get some brunch started, then get my grocery list onto my phone. Have a wonderful Saturday everyone! :waving1
he has worked in the Police world for 48 years
CONGRATS to your DH on his retirement from what sounds to be a great career!
only 5 more lunches
CONGRATS to you! Bet you will secretly miss fixing those lunches! ;)
Good afternoon!
Got caught up on my ATCs this morning! Finally! Let's see how long it lasts! Now to move on to some of the challenges!

Our adopted grandson is coming after work to spend the night with us and go to church with us tomorrow. I figure he will probably spend the afternoon with us, too, unless he has to work. His girlfriend dropped him, so I think he is bored, LOL! IMHO she was not the right girl for him anyway! Older, much more mature.....not a good fit! I'm wondering if she didn't get her way about something that caused her to drop Noah. Poor kid! I think it was his first love.....maybe infatuation is a better word.

Ilene and I had a great day together! She came over around 11:30 after visiting her granddaughter and great grands. We played Qwirkle until about 3:30 and then fixed a bag of food to take to the woods where Mark was working. We ate in the sunshine because it was too chilly to sit in the shade. We played a game of Qwirkle with Mark in the sunshine until the shadows and breeze took over. Mark stoked 3 fires and we played Qwirkle on a card table in between the fires. Nice and cozy. We played until it was time for Ilene to leave before it got too dark! Such a great day!

I'm washing my laundry. I've got Camping Steak Fajitas thawed for Mark and Noah to cook on a fire in the woods and Sheet Pan Fajita Chicken and Rice thawed for me. They will eat theirs on soft tortillas and I will eat mine in a bowl. I am sure loving these freezer meals so far! I gave Ilene some of the Creamy White Chicken Chili to take home with her for her supper last night, with a slice of cornbread.

That's about it for me! Time to get scrapping!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Helloooo! I am back from a long trip to the FP. Cait needed my computer to file her taxes and now I am sitting back on my Pancake Butt (forever to be known as PB TM) wondering what I needed to do. I should have come up with my To-List *before* I pooped out for the last few hours.
[retroactively begins To-Do List: Go to FP. Eat Lunch. /end list]
Guess I am done for the day!
*pats self on the back* Good job!!

@AK_Tracy Congrats on the relatively easy RO install and fix. I am so glad that you're feeling your normal aches, not the extra ones.

vacuum like your dinner depends on it.
That is *brilliant!*

@taxed4ever The retirement party souinds wonderful and I am admittedly more than a little emotional hearing about it.
Do this google search and see what you come up with.....or leave out the word "creatives".....
things for creatives to do when they are bored
I am going to have to try that! Thanks!
From Friday:

@BrightEyes They sure don't make things like they used to. That DVD player must have been older than my kids (1996 and 98)
I hope that the weather stays cooperative and warm!

@BoatLady That is wonderful news about your friend being home.I am sure that she is happy to be home and thrilled to have company ♥

Tracy- is the RO only on the kitchen sink? We have very hard water here and have a whole house water filter and a PUR filter on the faucet. We still get mineral buildup. Gary wanted to get a house RO system, years ago but we didn't have any money then either. LOL
Let me know if you like it and I'll add it to my "if I win a million dollars list" :rotfl:

@vickyday I love hearing about your freezer dinners, they all sound delicious.
Hope you and Ilene had fun and the weather was nice enough to eat outside.

Trudy- I hope someone got some pics of you and your Gary last night! i know you said that you are going to scrap some but I hope you are featured in at least one LO!

@deej You don't ever stop either! Hope you have fun at the conference coming up.

Kay, TY for the update on your SIL#2. I am relieved that he is out of the ICU and hope that he gets back home soon.
I heard a full-on dawn chorus this morning when I let the dogs outside. So many birds at once.
Love that sound~ We've been enjoying that here too. The temps are still a little up and down, but the birds singing in the morning is one of the greatest delights living here. We've had a parakeet visiting us for the last few days. Today it was warm enough that I put my parakeets out on the covered porch for a few hours. I was hoping our visitor would hang around, and maybe be enticed by the vocalizations of our birds. But I haven't seen him today. I hope he comes back. It was really joyful to see him.
Dogs are blowing their coats and last time he missed all the hair balls in the corners LOL I told him no, vacuum like your dinner depends on it. He did a great job!!!
That's a good one! I'll have to try that line sometime too!

@vickyday Quirkle sounds like fun. We just got a game table from Habitat and set it up in our dining room. Which is really an animal room full of bird cages and dog crates. But for now it's a puzzle table, and maybe a quirkle table too. I'll have to check it out.

Belle has some friends over for the weekend, so we've been enjoying having them here. Right now they're all out thrifting, and Mark and I are here, me scrapping, and Mark doing some yardwork. His blood sugar problems seem to have resolved. We're thinking it was a bad sensor. Since we replaced it a couple days ago we haven't had any trouble.

It's warm enough that I put a bunch of my plants outside today. Not all of them, but it feels so good for them all to get some fresh air. Hope you all have a great rest of your day!
From Friday:

@BrightEyes They sure don't make things like they used to. That DVD player must have been older than my kids (1996 and 98)
I hope that the weather stays cooperative and warm!

@BoatLady That is wonderful news about your friend being home.I am sure that she is happy to be home and thrilled to have company ♥

Tracy- is the RO only on the kitchen sink? We have very hard water here and have a whole house water filter and a PUR filter on the faucet. We still get mineral buildup. Gary wanted to get a house RO system, years ago but we didn't have any money then either. LOL
Let me know if you like it and I'll add it to my "if I win a million dollars list" :rotfl:

@vickyday I love hearing about your freezer dinners, they all sound delicious.
Hope you and Ilene had fun and the weather was nice enough to eat outside.

Trudy- I hope someone got some pics of you and your Gary last night! i know you said that you are going to scrap some but I hope you are featured in at least one LO!

@deej You don't ever stop either! Hope you have fun at the conference coming up.

Kay, TY for the update on your SIL#2. I am relieved that he is out of the ICU and hope that he gets back home soon.
I love hearing about your freezer dinners, they all sound delicious.
Hope you and Ilene had fun and the weather was nice enough to eat outside.
Morning all... or should I say, good afternoon??? ;) The morning seem to slip away too quickly. Decided that this will be a PJ day. Not planning on going anywhere. Will sit and veg this afternoon. Maybe finish watching "Wicked" on Peacock. I should have known better but I started watching it on my Smart TV... about halfway through it began to hang up and re-load over and over. The problem is too much metal in corner/walls between the Smart TV in family room and the modem in the office. It is fine when I watch on my computer - so will finish washing it there. Must say it is quite a different take on the Wicked Witch from OZ .... :D:floorlaugh::D

@faerywings sorry that your foot "is still broken" and it will be another 3 weeks before the doc will consider if you can go back to work then. Yes, the old DVD/VHS player is about the same age as your kids.!!!! No wonder it finally gave up the ghost!

@taxed4ever Sounds like Gary's retirement party was a blast!!! Yes, it will be an adjustment for both of you once he is retired.

@AK_Tracy Sorry about the mess with putting in the Osmosis unit and getting the dishwasher working, again. Love that use food as an incentive for son to vacuum.
I hope you DH loves the Wush Machine!!
I cant wait for it to arrive next Friday so he can try it out and hear me again! :floorlaugh:
HA! I might have to use that one sometime! ;)
Yes, you all need to try this. It was amazing and he vacuumed so good!!!! Men motivation at its finest!
Tracy- is the RO only on the kitchen sink? We have very hard water here and have a whole house water filter and a PUR filter on the faucet. We still get mineral buildup. Gary wanted to get a house RO system, years ago but we didn't have any money then either. LOL
Let me know if you like it and I'll add it to my "if I win a million dollars list" :rotfl:
Its just for drinking and at the kitchen sink. We didn't do all the water as its not that bad but we did notice when drinking that it was too hard. So we did counter filter pitchers forever. Now we shall see. Day one I love it. Its an ispring 7 filter model and was a bit speedy but we figured it is equal to a years worth of filters for the zero pitcher we had/have. Its doing a great job though and the water is good.
His blood sugar problems seem to have resolved. We're thinking it was a bad sensor.
YEAH!!! So glad it was resolved.
This morning I did some laundry and cleaning. I had orders some new solar lights (20) and they were delivered so I opened all of them. I put them together and put them outside to charge. So I was able to put where they needed to go but ran out of time. I made a pouch for one of my orchids so I can attach it to a tree which I am pretty excited about. After lunch I started making my scalloped potatoes/ham to take over to Diane/Bob's for dinner. It took longer to cook so it made us late but it was ok. We had a good visit. She is getting around with a walker so that was a huge change from last time I saw her 3 weeks ago-bedridden then. Her speech is improving but is slow. She is much better with few words but whole sentences are jumbled up. She has speech therapy so I think she will improve quickly. Her husband is so amazing practicing with her and making her improve. She was able to eat right handed and even cut up some larger potatoes. She is so much better it really makes me happy and I know she will really fight to get back to normal. Tomorrow we have to help clean the club to get it perfect for the ladies tea party next sunday....ugh same people as always.

@faerywings well I agree you should have a fully healed break after all you are super-woman. I wish you were closer I would teach you basket weaving, it's a great inexpensive hobby for a lap hobby. Can you work on your fairy house?

@AK_Tracy Sounds like you have some great helpers.LOL food bribery!!! I hope you like you new water system after all that installation. We have a filtration system in our kitchen in house here in Florida. It's city water so has chlorine taste and smell- yuck.

@mimes1 busy family as always. I am glad Marks blood levels are better with the new machine. I always enjoy hearing what your family is doing. Have fun scrapping I look forward to seeing what you create.

@BrightEyes You sure have some wild weather events there. I hope you really get good spring weather then a wonderful summer you deserve it.

@vickyday Those meals are coming in handy already. So I guess I missed something along the way...who is Ilene? You do some much with her it sounds wonderful but I cannot figure out who she is to you.

@taxed4ever I'm glad you had a good time at the retirement party it sure sounds everyone loved him and will miss him. I hope you have a fun retirement life together.

I will try to get back tomorrow to catch up again.
This morning I did some laundry and cleaning. I had orders some new solar lights (20) and they were delivered so I opened all of them. I put them together and put them outside to charge. So I was able to put where they needed to go but ran out of time. I made a pouch for one of my orchids so I can attach it to a tree which I am pretty excited about. After lunch I started making my scalloped potatoes/ham to take over to Diane/Bob's for dinner. It took longer to cook so it made us late but it was ok. We had a good visit. She is getting around with a walker so that was a huge change from last time I saw her 3 weeks ago-bedridden then. Her speech is improving but is slow. She is much better with few words but whole sentences are jumbled up. She has speech therapy so I think she will improve quickly. Her husband is so amazing practicing with her and making her improve. She was able to eat right handed and even cut up some larger potatoes. She is so much better it really makes me happy and I know she will really fight to get back to normal. Tomorrow we have to help clean the club to get it perfect for the ladies tea party next sunday....ugh same people as always.

@faerywings well I agree you should have a fully healed break after all you are super-woman. I wish you were closer I would teach you basket weaving, it's a great inexpensive hobby for a lap hobby. Can you work on your fairy house?

@AK_Tracy Sounds like you have some great helpers.LOL food bribery!!! I hope you like you new water system after all that installation. We have a filtration system in our kitchen in house here in Florida. It's city water so has chlorine taste and smell- yuck.

@mimes1 busy family as always. I am glad Marks blood levels are better with the new machine. I always enjoy hearing what your family is doing. Have fun scrapping I look forward to seeing what you create.

@BrightEyes You sure have some wild weather events there. I hope you really get good spring weather then a wonderful summer you deserve it.

@vickyday Those meals are coming in handy already. So I guess I missed something along the way...who is Ilene? You do some much with her it sounds wonderful but I cannot figure out who she is to you.

@taxed4ever I'm glad you had a good time at the retirement party it sure sounds everyone loved him and will miss him. I hope you have a fun retirement life together.

I will try to get back tomorrow to catch up again.
Ilene is my dear friend. We knew each other through the church my husband pastored. We became best buds after my husband died. I didn't want to stay in the parsonage by myself and she offered one of her spare bedrooms to me when I felt the need. She had lost her husband the prior year. Turned out we were very compatible. So I ended up living with her for about 8 months before Mark and I got married.
We had a good visit. She is getting around with a walker so that was a huge change from last time I saw her 3 weeks ago-bedridden then.
Debby this is a wonderful update!! What wonderful progress your friend is making. I love that her hubs is practicing speech with her. What a wonderful man.
:brrr: Why is it so cold?? It doesn't look cold but it is 28* outside. At least the sun will warm things up a bit as the day progresses. Yesterday afternoon wasn't too awful even though it was freezing when we went to the FP.
FP was crowded and I felt bad for Caitlyn. She was hoping to have a few minutes to see Tom before he left for work. Since he is working 6 days a week, I know she misses him. We made it home with literally a minute to spare. He was running late and was heading out the door as we walked in. They are really cute. :lovey3:

I have no idea what else I did. The rest of the day is a blur. Oh, I cooked dinner!! Nothing all that exciting, garlic bread with mozzarella and pasta with jarred pesto. I am planning on making dinner today too-- tofu/broccoli/potato sheet pan. Should be easy enough to do.

Don't tell my family but I dug out some of the boxes from my closet and found the sandpaper. Probably shouldn't have done that right before cooking dinner but I'm still in one piece!
Ignore the boxes that are stacked even more precariously than they were. As long as the door closes-- I don't care!

Plans for today are the same as last week. I restarted my to-do list and hope to get some of that taken care of while sitting down.

What fun plans out and about do you have?
I have to say, I am glad I am not driving anywhere today. I don't know if you have heard about the sinkholes in North Jersey but they are getting bad. The first one is just a few miles west of where my parents live on Route 80 which is how just about everyone in NJ travels from PA to NYC and back. A second sinkhole opened up in the median next to the first one so both lanes of the interstate are closed for who knows how long. To make matters worse, a third one (~2 miles north of my parents) showed up on Friday-- right after we drove on that section of Rt 287 on my way home from the dr appt. We left the office around 2.30 and I think we heard about it before 5 pm.
I am really glad I don't live in Parsippany now-- I cannot imagine trying to get around with two highways closed/partially closed.

The world turned upside do-ow-oown.

Love that sound~ We've been enjoying that here too. The temps are still a little up and down, but the birds singing in the morning is one of the greatest delights living here. We've had a parakeet visiting us for the last few days. Today it was warm enough that I put my parakeets out on the covered porch for a few hours. I was hoping our visitor would hang around, and maybe be enticed by the vocalizations of our birds. But I haven't seen him today. I hope he comes back. It was really joyful to see him.
Any sign of the wild parakeet?
Which is really an animal room full of bird cages and dog crates. But for now it's a puzzle table, and maybe a quirkle table too. I
The best kind of room!

His blood sugar problems seem to have resolved. We're thinking it was a bad sensor. Since we replaced it a couple days ago we haven't had any trouble.
That's such a relief! Gary has trouble with his sensors too and it is so frustrating!

Maybe finish watching "Wicked" on Peacock. I should have known better but I started watching it on my Smart TV... about halfway through it began to hang up and re-load over and over. The problem is too much metal in corner/walls between the Smart TV in family room and the modem in the office. It is fine when I watch on my computer - so will finish washing it there. Must say it is quite a different take on the Wicked Witch from OZ .... :D:floorlaugh::D
What did you think of the movie?
Compared to the play, I think they could have chopped more than one scene out but I still really enjoyed it!
Yes, the old DVD/VHS player is about the same age as your kids.!!!! No wonder it finally gave up the ghost!
hahah!! Don't tell my kids that! That will make them feel older than they already do. Caitlyn said that she graduated HS 9 years ago. and everyone missed their 6-month wedding anniversary. Time is seriously flying by.
I cant wait for it to arrive next Friday so he can try it out and hear me again! :floorlaugh:
Now you will be able to tell if he is selectively deaf or not :giggle4:
Its just for drinking and at the kitchen sink. We didn't do all the water as its not that bad but we did notice when drinking that it was too hard.
Thats awesome!
I had orders some new solar lights (20) and they were delivered so I opened all of them. I put them together and put them outside to charge. So I was able to put where they needed to go but ran out of time. I made a pouch for one of my orchids so I can attach it to a tree which I am pretty excited about.
I bet the lights are going to look so pretty, are they hanging or in the ground? I'd love to get some in the ground by my driveway but it would be one more thing for the dogs to get tangled on.

She is getting around with a walker so that was a huge change from last time I saw her 3 weeks ago-bedridden then. Her speech is improving but is slow. She is much better with few words but whole sentences are jumbled up. She has speech therapy so I think she will improve quickly. Her husband is so amazing practicing with her and making her improve.
That is simply wonderful news!! Just fantastic to hear this!! Her DH sounds like a keeper ♥
Try to not overdo it cleaning the clubhouse today.
I wish you lived close too, the basket weaving sounds super cool and cansee myself enjoying the sunshine, wildlife, and warm weather with you.

Vicky, I just adore your story about Ilene and your friendship. Two peas in a pod!

Good Morning!!

Don't tell my family but I dug out some of the boxes from my closet and found the sandpaper. Probably shouldn't have done that right before cooking dinner but I'm still in one piece!
Now Pot, does Kettle need to tell your warden that youre doing too much??? :rollingpin1: Dont make me come over there and yell at you. I'm a grumpy traveler and I hate waiting around airports, but for you I will! Now sit down and please while making dinner tonight, cause we both know your stubborn determined to do it, please sit while you cut everything up!!!! Please!!!!!

Today should be good, the sun is coming up. We have almost 12 1/2 hours of daylight now. Yesterday was fun. Lots of towels and bedding brought out of storage so I spent the day swapping it (5 minutes at a time) and someone else folded and put it away. Then I felt good enough to make the pizzas, but only did one per person no leftovers. It was less then an hour which was good. (yes Pot, I hear you yelling at Kettle). I'm wearing compression pants today!! Didn't feel like battling thigh high at church this week. Can certainly tell the difference in compression weight though. Think I will need a small size after next surgery. Well, need coffee and almost time to autostart the car. Its 30*F this morning. Have a wonderful day!
Well make plans and everyone laughs...well instead of cleaning at the club we are waiting for the water company to come since there is a water leak with water gushing down the street. Come to find out it it's from our neighbor. We waited 2 1/2 hours!!!! the leak is after the meter so it's his responsibility so he is digging it up and Jay is going to help him fix it.
We are smoking a turkey in the smoker I am going to pick all the meat off to make a pasta casserole for the club tomorrow night. Our night in the kitchen again.

@vickyday thanks for the friend explanation. Like sisters from another motha!!!. It sure seems like you spend allot of quality time together so nice.

Thank you everyone for the kind words about my friend...It's been a long haul for her and still a long way to go but she will do it. Her hubby is a wonderful compassionate man.

@faerywings my lights are some ground, spot lites for the palms and some hanging ones too. Plus the ones I already have...it's like a fairy land out there...sparkles all over. We could sit out there with headlamps on and make baskets!!! I hope you are enjoying your birds. I have been having trouble with raccoons bothering my feeders so I only put a little seed in them every day. So those sinkholes might affect our drive North this summer so I will have to keep any eye on the road situation. They say "all roads lead to home"

@AK_Tracy are you able to use your new water system yet?

Well off to dig some more in my bromeliad garden.
Have a great day.
Good morning everyone. I've not been around much this week as I've been putting in a lot of time with my jewelry design. This coming week will be busy. Tomorrow we'll help a friend move stuff prior to the big move next wkend. I've got vet checks, our usual games, I'll be teaching mahjong Thurs morning prior to our afternoon games. We've got our euchre night on Thurs, aside from our regular game on Tues. Canasta and mexican train, as usual, will be on this wk. Amidst all of that I'll be out every day with Remi and working on my jewelry designs (this is an ongoing everyday thing until I stockpile enough to get started selling).

So that is why I'm not around too much right now. I have to find time to work on my CT stuff this wk and need to do some chores and laundry. I need there to be longer hours in the day LOL.

@faerywings I know its hard for you to be quiet but do what you need to do and no more. You need to heal.

@taxed4ever Sounds like the retirement party was a lot of fun. Hope G enjoys the change in lifestyle. His last week of work must feel so surreal to him.

@AK_Tracy Sounds like everything is going as it should? Now I'm craving pizza :)

I need to get on with my day. Just wanted to pop in and say hi and apologize for not being around much.
@BoatLady That sucks about the water leak. I remember when we had to get the lawn dug up at our old house, it was a mess to dig up the yard. We had to pay for it all b/c it was within our property line. Sounds like you have been busy.
I slept in this morning... until 7:30AM... my body (and mind) needed the rest. So strange to wake up with the sun shining and the bedroom full of light!! Guess the body is slowly adjusting to DST. Been busy scrapping this morning on an April Challenge LO. It turned out so well... I was smiling through my tears. April is our anniversary month so it is a happy and sad time. It would have been our 70th anniversary.

Yes, @faerywings - I did finish watching "Wicked" and enjoyed it... Just notice at the beginning it said "Wicked" - Chapter 1. Wonder if there will be another movie - Chapter 2??? Netflix has 2 versions of "Wicked"... the 2nd version is "Wicked - Sing Along". It has closed captioning with the words to all the songs as they are being sung. I accidently chose that one when I watched it last evening. I also agree that it could have cut some of the song and dance sequences out...
Glad you found your sandpaper... but really "POT"... you shouldn't have been digging into the closet!!! Yikes about the sinkholes near your folk's house!!! Scary!!!

@bcgal00 You are one busy, busy gal! I used to play mahjong and really enjoyed it. Do you use a yearly Mahjong book?? We used the AirForce book when we played. I still have my mahjong set and racks but haven't played in several years. Oh... I saw your bowl with the jewelry in that you will be taking apart to use the beads for you new shop... BTW... good luck on getting it set us and getting you license.

@AK_Tracy So glad to hear that the legs are healing up. Also that did more sitting than standing at the church dinner.

@BoatLady Too bad about the water leak but glad it was on your neighbor's property rather than yours.

Well, it is past noon and I still have to shower and get dressed. HAGD
Well make plans and everyone laughs...well instead of cleaning at the club we are waiting for the water company to come since there is a water leak with water gushing down the street. Come to find out it it's from our neighbor. We waited 2 1/2 hours!!!! the leak is after the meter so it's his responsibility so he is digging it up and Jay is going to help him fix it.
We are smoking a turkey in the smoker I am going to pick all the meat off to make a pasta casserole for the club tomorrow night. Our night in the kitchen again.

@vickyday thanks for the friend explanation. Like sisters from another motha!!!. It sure seems like you spend allot of quality time together so nice.

Thank you everyone for the kind words about my friend...It's been a long haul for her and still a long way to go but she will do it. Her hubby is a wonderful compassionate man.

@faerywings my lights are some ground, spot lites for the palms and some hanging ones too. Plus the ones I already have...it's like a fairy land out there...sparkles all over. We could sit out there with headlamps on and make baskets!!! I hope you are enjoying your birds. I have been having trouble with raccoons bothering my feeders so I only put a little seed in them every day. So those sinkholes might affect our drive North this summer so I will have to keep any eye on the road situation. They say "all roads lead to home"

@AK_Tracy are you able to use your new water system yet?

Well off to dig some more in my bromeliad garden.
Have a great day.
Yes, for sure! Ilene is actually 15 years older than me, but she is young for her age! ;)
Good afternoon,
The steak and chicken fajita frozen meals were delicious!!! And a big hit with the guys! So far all of the meals I've fixed have been keepers!

Noah is still here for the afternoon. It is good to have him here. We ordered Dominos for lunch since he is here.

Working on church deposit and other paperwork today. That's about it.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday!
@AK_Tracy are you able to use your new water system yet?
Yes and its wonderful. I was able to get rid of the counter pitcher with filter and it cleaned up the counter. it tastes good too.
@AK_Tracy Sounds like everything is going as it should? Now I'm craving pizza :)
Everything is going very well with healing and movement. Wish I could send you some pizza. Might have been the best ones yet. Each time we get it more right. For sure the dough needs to sit in fridge minimum 24 hours before we make pizza.