

Wonder & Delight - Enigma

  • Media owner lacy
  • Date added
Enigma Artsy Paper 2 was placed and blended with Solid Paper 5 for the foundation. FotoBlendz Overlay 23-4 png file was placed and transformed to fit the photo clipped to it. A duplicate copy of the photo was also clipped to the FotoBlendz w/ Soft Light Blend Mode followed by a medium brown Photo Filter adj. layer. The two small pictures were closely cropped and clipped to a simple mask, with a warped, blurred drop shadow added. Embellished with elements, label words and word art followed by transfers and overlays with blending modes applied. The Label Word was duplicated, filled with the same color, duplicated two more times with different words added. Finished with a Gradient Fill layer, blend mode Soft Light and reduced opacity and journaling.

Going through my dad’s slides and photos, I came across this one of him being held by an unknown woman, circa 1930’s in Galveston. I was amazed when I noticed the picture on the wall. I have that very picture, along with its companion, hanging in my kitchen, where they’ve been for almost 30 years. They are in pretty good condition for being almost a century old.
Credits list
ArtPlay Collection Enigma New in the Store on SALE
ArtPlay Palette Enigma (Artsy paper, Solid Paper, transfers, elements, label word)
FotoBlendz Overlays 23-4
Enigma WordART Mix 1 w/ layer style
MultiMedia Enigma 1-1A (white hearts overlay)
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
This is so cool! The paintings really extend the living room theme and that they are the same paintings--WOW! Enigmatic, indeed!
What a fantastic story! Love the vintage touches and all the blends. Congrats on your Standing O!

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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261.6 KB
600px x 600px

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