
Week 1 September Art Journaling Challenge - The Moon!

Week 1 September Art Journaling Challenge - The Moon!

When the night knows its deepest darkness and the moon appears only as a subtle point of light, the New Moon begins its cycle. This phase marks the beginning of the lunar cycle, which will last two weeks before culminating in the radiant Full Moon. Then the Moon shrinks during the last two weeks to complete its monthly cycle.

The New Moon invites us to turn inward, reflect on our lives, and possibly let go of things that weigh us down emotionally or physically. It is a time to set clear intentions for the coming month, as the New Moon is associated with new beginnings.

In the busyness of our daily lives, we sometimes forget to pause. The New Moon reminds us that there is beauty in moments of rest and reflection. It is a time to meditate, explore our thoughts and feelings, and have a clear vision of our goals for the month ahead.

As the moon grows, we see our intentions thrive, as does the moon itself. It is a magical journey that begins each month, an opportunity to renew and transform.
This is absolutely stunning!! I love the ghosted eye in the moon!! Your word art and the glowing text behind it is a great touch!

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