

Unlock My Heart

  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
Anna Aspnes
Artplay Palette LAmour (papers, flower, button, key, label words, transfers) Artplay Palette LAmour
Statues 1 Statues
Love WordART Mix 1 Love WordART Mix
MultiMedia Hearts 3 MultiMedia Hearts 3
FotoInspired Template Pack 2B_10 FotoInspired Template Pack 2B
Artplay Palette Wicked (key) Artplay Palette Wicked
Artplay Palette Portiere (key) Artplay Palette Portiere
Artplay Palette Bliss (key) Artplay Palette Bliss
Artplay Palette Autumn Soul (key) Artplay Palette Autumn Soul
Artplay Mini Milestone (key) Artplay Mini Milestone
Stitched by Anna Frames 2 Stitched by Anna Frames 2

The template was opened up and several artsy papers from APP LAmour were clipped to the masks. The papers were moved around to get a variety of textures and colors. The keys were layered in the frames. The statue brushes were placed in two of the frames and recolored. A stitched frame was layered on one of the masks to give the block more definition. Embellishments, MM hearts and word art were added to finish the page.

Thank you for looking!
Wow! Gorgeous page! Love all these keys and hearts!
Standing O...
This is just beautiful Miki! I love the framing, the keys, and the color palette. A fave!

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Anna Aspnes
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