
Just beautiful Eva.. you still have that sweet face and I love the composition where it is diagonally positioned with the then and now photos.. lovely page!
What a gorgeous page, Eva - I love your out of the box thinking. Great idea - the comparison before - today. I love all the papers behind the photos and the added elements - perfect.
Thank you so much for taking part in the challenge.
Thought provoking words on your labels. Love that your images are on opposing corners of the layout.
Eva, this is just wonderful! I'm assuming that upper photo is a cute one of you??!! Great take on the challenge! I agree with you in the freedom being able to choose the words from the lyrics gave each person for their own interpretation!
Eva, this is just wonderful! I'm assuming that upper photo is a cute one of you??!! Great take on the challenge! I agree with you in the freedom being able to choose the words from the lyrics gave each person for their own interpretation!
Yep, that's me. 6 years old.

Layout information

2023 - Birthday Party 17th
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Member Galleries, Rachel Jefferies,

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File size
195.4 KB
Date taken
Tue, 20 June 2023 12:16 PM
800px x 800px

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