I chose @[418
faerywings] page:
to portray My experience. Maybe not yours, but truthfully sharing my personal experience of the day before my Dad passed into his reward. I had visited just 10 days prior. We didn't think he would decline so soon. Due to being 1000+ miles away, it was hard to watch the videos provided by my sister. Hard to see Dad so dejected and feeling useless, not living, just existing. I asked the Lord that He would tell me when Dad had passed, not a phone call... I was working in my studio that afternoon, with worship music playing in the background. Suddenly I sensed something was different. I felt a weighty presence of God, but not frightening. To the left of me I could see (
an open vision) a rainbow colored mist, and then I saw it parting. I "knew" my Dad was stepping through the veil between the earthly life and the third Heaven. It was all so very simple, effortless. Dad simply walked through the open "door". I know Scripture states in John 10:9 that Jesus is the Door. Now I really understand it. And though his body continued Cheyenne Stokes breathing for a day, the person I knew, my Dad was already at peace in his forever home.