
Then & Now

Then & Now

JOURNALING | 2005: man alive you were a ball of energy in constant motion. your eyes opened in the morning and your feet hit the ground within seconds. a little downtime was a concept you didnt even want to try to understand why would anyone want to sit still and observe the world around them when the option to run through it at warp speed was available? i found myself frequently exhausted just watching you go through your day, and could never understand how you didnt collapse at the end of it. because you didnt collapse, nicholas, not even once. people would watch you and say things like i bet thatll tire him out, hell pass out on the way home but no, not you. you were always great about going to bed but it was more like a last resort at the end of the day a battle of wills that your parents eventually won.

2011: in all honesty, i never really thought youd slow down and appreciate the concept of utterly vegging out. people used to say things like when he gets older hell BEG to sleep in but i always just figured it was like all of the other little kernels of false hope for the future that parents share with one another the ones that keep us from losing it completely. there are some people who seem to get by with very little rest, and i was beginning to fear that you were going to be one of them. little by little, though, i started to notice that i was the one waiting around for you in the morning, and you were the one who was starting to retreat to your bedroom to chill out for a while in the afternoons. isnt that supposed to be my routine? some mornings i see glimpses of what will eventually become our new normal me standing in your doorway, nagging you to get out of bed. im not sure that one scenario is better than the other, but for the time being im a little thankful for the break.

MATERIALS | Then & Now http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=28179&cat=329&page=1 by Paislee Press and Three Paper Peonies; frame from Conversation Piece no. 1 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=26220&cat=0&page=1 by One Little Bird & Paislee Press; border from In The Loop http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=27127&cat=363&page=1 by One Little Bird; photos processed using Fable by My 4 Hens Photography.
"awesome journaling" just doesn't seem the right way to describe this Peppermint ... but AWESOME JOURNALING is exactly what it is! The blur in the left hand photo perfectly matches the description of his constant state of motion in your words.
Love the composition of this page, the photos, journaling, colors...just all of it!
Pure fabulous. I love the flow of your the story here and the balance of the page!!! And the "then" photo makes me smile :)

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