

The SnowBirds Cure for the Winter Blues

  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
Anna Aspens
Artplay Palette Anaphora Artplay Palette Anaphora
Repeat WordART Mix 1 Repeat WordART Mix 1
Take Flight 2 Take Flight 2
MultiLayered FotoBlendz 5 MultiLayered FotoBlendz 5
Skribble Sun 1 Skribble Sun 1

Artsy paper 4 from APP Anaphora was used as the base of the page. The blues were adjusted using the hue/saturation tool producing a cyan color. The paper was duplicated with the blending mode changed to hard light (reduced opacity). Three different MultiLayered FotoBlendz masks were layered under the photo and resized to cover portions. The photo was duplicated 2 more times and all three images were clipped to the masks. The blending mode of two of the masks were changed to hard light. Birds, transfers, word art and embellishments were added to finish the page.

Thank you for looking.
Ahh, serenity. Love that the place is not packed with other snowbirds, too.
Fabulous and gorgeous, luv, luv your blending - I would luv to visit there - ;)

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Anna Aspnes
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