

The Snowbird Escape page 2

  • Media owner Miki
  • Date added
Credits list
Month Review Template Album 8 (page 3)
Loop Da Loop Artstrokes 6
Summer Days (transfer 2 desaturated)

Artplay Glacial Collection (on sale Jan 17 for 1 week)
Artplay Palette Glacial
Artsy Transfers Glacial

Page 3 of the Month Review Template Album 8 was opened up. The photos were clipped to the frame masks and the large fotoblendz mask. A solid paper from APP Glacial was used for the foundation of the page. The main photo was clipped to an Artsy Transfer Glacial_4 paint layer. Word art and journaling completed the page.

Thank you for looking!
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Love
Reactions: isDK
Probably one of those journeys you will look back at and laugh about? I do like the "sheltering in the men's room" story--there's a song in there somewhere!
Oh, I should have read this one before the comment on the first page. Glad you made it. And hopefully you see some sunshine soon. Mr. Walt seems like a pretty handy guy to have around.
oh phooey! Man, not fair at all! Feeling a bit guilty about my January page. But excellent documentation!!
What an adventure! The stay in the men’s bathroom sounds like the final straw!
Good sense of humor
That looks like an adventurous journey.
love your "highlight" of the trip :cool:.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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452.6 KB
1000px x 1000px

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