


Journaling: Heres me and Derek in Rome 4th of July weekend in 2006. I was 7 1/2 months pregnant. We found out that weekend that you can see all of Rome in a day if you rent a moped. Im sure we were quite a site we me riding behind him with my big belly. Italians dont seem to go out when they are pregnant. We saw everything and I even got my belly blessed by a priest on a bus. Our hands didnt get chopped off as liars, we saw St Peters Basilica, Trevi Fountain, The Spanish Steps, the Colosseum, Pauls Chains, Michaelangelos Moses, and so many other things. It was an awesome trip and we had a wonderful time. We stayed in a campsite outside of town and had more space than any hotel in town and when we returned home I was usre that I left my ankles someplace in Rome. It was one of our favorite tourist trips.

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FT Cursive Font by Faith True
oh wow Clara! what an interesting and wonderful LO!! I love the photos down the side and terrific blending of the background photo! stunning page!
That sounds so fun Clara! Jealous!!! lol

Beautiful use of the Regal Mask & love the colors of these papers!
Clara I have never gone to Rome but you make me want to visit it. What a great story about being pregnant and riding around LOL. So you LOL
Clara...this is simply stunning!!!!!!!!!! I want to go too!! Fabulous journaling!!! AMAZING PAGE!!!!

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