

On This Day

  • Media owner pmjames
  • Date added
A moment of history in our little town as a historic Church is relocated. Created with the Artplay Lateritious Collection – On Sale until the 29th June, 2022.
Credits list
Artplay Palette Lateritious
WaterColor Template Album No.10
Adventure WordART Mix No.2

Process An Artsy Paper was the foundation of this layout. Two copies of my focal image were placed onto the layout with Hard Light and Lighten Blending Modes applied to the layers. Multiple copies of my supporting image were clipped to the FotoBlendz Clipping Mask with different Blending modes applied to the Mask and photo layers. Two frames from the WaterColor Template Album No.10 were placed onto my layout and dimensional elements and WordART placed on top. Journaling completed the layout.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Love this page. Love the brown background for the beautiful photos! Love the title work and masking you did on that photo.
Wow what an accomplishment to move a church! Love the divide of the page between blue and brown, great blended photo of the truck pulling the building!
Pretty impressive to move the building over the bridge. Like Diane, I really like the way the page has that diagonal between the blue and the brown.
Beautiful blending and page! Moving a building isn't easy, impressive and love saving a piece of local history!

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
299.2 KB
1000px x 1000px

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