

Merry & Bright - APP Garland

  • Media owner lacy
  • Date added
December 2015.

Artsy Paper 2 was placed for the foundation. Artsy Transfer Garland 2 was placed above the paper, my photo was clipped to the top texture layer with a duplicate copy on blend mode soft light also clipped to the transfer. Embellished with Multimedia elements with additional elements added. The Garland pine branch was duplicated with blend mode Hard Light, lowered opacity. A drop shadow was added to the white poinsettia. The bells were lightened with a Levels adj. The Uncanny pinecones were hue adjusted to match the anise star. The Foto Glow from MultiMedia 2-3 was placed next to the anise star. Garland brushes and the Whizzo Lace were placed between the photo/artsy transfer group and the Artsy Paper. A gradient Adj. Layer was added at the top, blend mode Soft Light, reduced opacity.
Credits list
ArtPlay Collection Garland – This week’s Anna Classic
ArtPlay Palette Garland (Artsy Paper 2, brushes)
Artsy Transfer Garland 2
MultiMedia Holiday 2-3 (fotoglow) MultiMedia Holiday 2-5 (remove red poinsettia)
Holiday Word ART Mix 5 (script tease 2, word art 7)

Other assets used:
ArtPlay Palette Whizzo (lace)
ArtPlay Palette Uncanny (pinecone branch w/ hue adj)
ArtPlay Palette Retro Holiday (white poinsettia)
Magic Sprinklez 1-7 no longer in the store
Gradient Adj Layer
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
This makes me want to go out and decorate the front yard. See what you did? Love the gold!
I probably should have added "Back when I used to decorate for Christmas", because I do the bare minimum these days.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
248.1 KB
600px x 600px

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