
AnnaLift - Just Go

AnnaLift - Just Go

Most pelicans were fine when they were a quarter of a mile away, but when we'd turn a corner and they suddenly saw us they were up in the air immediately, even when they were competing with heron and gulls at a rich food source shared by all. Sometimes the sky was full of them.aA: Paper, Scenic Temp
Credits list
aA: Paper, Scenic Template Album, wordArt, brushes
Wood texture: Blixa 6
I needed to find organic lines that would work with my photos. Straight lines would be too jarring I thought. And if I made them any stronger, they competed with my photos. So it is pretty subtle but definitely a page I wouldn't have made without the need for a lift.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
love that wood texture and the way your photo is blended into it, making it look like some exotic landscape. I love watching pelicans, especially when they form up and fly.
This is beautiful. I love the photos. The pelicans in flight are beautiful and you did an awesome job on the capture. Love how you included the inset photo as well. The background that you did sets off your photos beautifully. Very nice!
Fabulous! Nice the way you've made the transparent box of the journaling to make it more visible.

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Anna Aspnes
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245.6 KB
1224px x 772px

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