

love these moments (Anna lift 2.21-3.6)

  • Media owner marye
  • Date added
I decided to try a more modern/grunge look to this early 50's photo instead of the usual soft "heritage" feel. Not sure I completely like it but it's always good to try something different.

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What a fantastic page, love the colors, i absolutely adore your page !
I like this a lot. The heritage vibe comes through loud and clear, and the freedom of the stains and textures makes this fresh and really interesting to look at. I'd say it's thumbs up all the way!
Your modern/grunge approach is quite successful, I'd say! Superb placement of this photo treasure and title!
Your modern vintage look is fabulous. I really like the tilted edge. Thanks for playing along.
Love how the modern grunge vibe compliments the 50s photo! Gorgeous blending!

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Anna Aspnes
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