


One from the summer when we celebrated Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee.
Credits list
ArtPlay Palette Brumal
ArtPlay Palette Anaphora
ArtPlay Palette Bliss (tulle)
ArtPlay Mini Palette Ariose
ArtPlay Mini Palette Harken
MultiMedia Documents 6 (lace)
Button Threadz 4
UrbanStitchez 12
Watercolour FotoBlendz 7
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
A gem Fiona... the impish smile on your mum... the sweet interaction with her ggd... perfection. Perhaps she's sharing a jam sandwich and tea with the queen today. ;)
Actually that's what Sophie said "GG is with the Queen..." The wisdom of a four yearold :)
This beautiful memory is inspiration for the AnnaLift Challenge.

Jubilee by Applechick shares a fun and jubilant generational portrait of a great-grandmother and great-granddaughter. Applechick journals about her mother’s skepticism about celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee - tiaras and all, but she plays along to create priceless memories for the young girl. Applechick uses a double portrait with an effect to intensify the red and blue. A horizontal band contains both expressive moments. The figures are extracted and framed by the edges of an artsy transfers and stitching. The painterly ground contains heavy textures and deep black strokes that balance the dark clothing. Sparkles, lace, and jewels are the perfect accents. The journaling shares the details of the memories with us.

Thank you, Applechick, for sharing your stunning and inspirational artistry.
The great Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee, I've seen it all and it was very beautiful, so nice that she got to experience this. The editing of your photos are fabulous, great that also your mom experienced this, she was also a queen. What an amazing page you made of this, so very creative!!

Congrats on your well deserved GSO!!

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
687.8 KB
800px x 800px

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