

I Lied

I lied and said I was busy.
I was busy;
but not in a way most people

I was busy taking deeper breaths.
I was busy silencing irrational thoughts.
I was busy calming a racing heart.
I was busy telling myself I am okay.

Sometimes, this is my busy,
and I will not apologize for it.

b. oaken from Anxiety Doesnt Knock First

After what we went through during the Christmas Lighting Festival weekends, this is pretty much how we all feel. No town should be brought to the brink like we were, stretched way beyond our resources. What in years past was a joyous and fun time, became a battle ground. Even people who live way outside of town and who never come near the place, had to deal with entitled people. We are in recovery mode now, sharing our stories with each other, licking our wounds and gathering our strength once again.

ArtPlay Palette AnaphoraArtPlayPaletteAnaphora
Take Flight No. 2TakeFlightNo.2
Photos: BarnImages
Fonts: Jellyka Saint-Andrews Queen and Tom Handwritten New

Process Notes: After compositing two photos together and using a reverse layer mask for each and AnnaBlendz brushes, I brushed in the portions I wanted. I duplicated each photo and used the Poster Edges Filter on the copies. Solid paper 3 was used for the foundation and then I blended the Poster Edges copies. Large lighthouse was blended with Soft Light and the other photo copy was blended with Overlay.

Bringing in three transfers and an overlay, I slipped those under the photos, leaving them on Normal Blend mode. Over the photos I placed another transfer just below the stairs of the lighthouse and blended it to Soft Light.

After placing the birds, I locked down that layer and recolored some of the texture to a color a little darker than the background paper. I placed another overlay from the palette that spans across the page. Then with the brushes from the palette, I added stains on the right side and the creases in the paper over the photos.

To finish up I added the quote. This was an exercise in restraint for me. Its always a temptation to add more, but I wanted it to look very clean without any distractions.
geez, sorry to hear that. You created a wonderful page though, the masking is fabulous!
I think the restraint works really well here, especially with the quote and the feeling of cleansing the clutter in the mind. It makes for a subtle but powerful contrast, almost a landscape of the mind. Knowing the backstory, those people on the jetty look like they're just waiting to be swept away. Nothing like art for a good release!
Beautiful place to just think and collect oneself! Gorgeous blending!

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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