

Love When You Fly

  • Media owner musicmom3
  • Date added
Cosmopolis Release--**coming today and on sale**
Cosmopolis Artplay Palette
Art Word Art Mix No. 1
Taped Textures No. 6
MultiMedia Frames No. 4

also: 12x12 page overlay No. 4 (retired)

Process notes for Photoshop Elements 14:
My idea was to collage three photos from a music festival that my son attended while studying in Hong Kong for a semester. I selected Artsy Paper #4 for my base, pulled in all the photos, then started blending. I began with the focal photomy son jumping in front of a music festival bannerand soon realized that inverse masking gave me the best look. I blended the other two photos (a snapshot of the festival rules and some neon staging) the same way.

I had a lot of fun with the background, pulling in many transfers and overlays and doing a lot of brushwork. But the colors soon became quite riotous and to tone it all down, I had the idea of making a desaturated copy of the layer stack and then bringing back the color selectively. To do this, I duplicated the file, flattened it, desaturated it, then dragged it back in, using a layer mask to remove areas where I wanted the color to come back through.

To finish off the layout I added word art, tape, and a few embellishments from the Artplay Palette. I also deconstructed parts of the MultiMedia Frames to grab Threadz, buttons, and some texture. Lastly I added the page overlay for some grunge.
Fabulous! I love the colors and energy in this page, and the different fonts are perfect! Great extraction of your son! l love the way you brought the color back in selectively, it really highlights his photo.
Ditto on everything that Amy has written--the energy exudes from the page--finding more elements the longer I study the page.
Very awesome! So full of energy, color, and vibrant color! Love your work!
Laura, I just knew you would 'go to town' with this APP... and you did! DYNAMIC layout in every sense! Great title too!

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Anna Aspnes
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