

AA Ladder Challenge DAY TWO Happy sisters

  • Media owner P'tiscrap
  • Date added
Anna Aspnes :
Art play palette Beautiful day http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=10008432&cat=387&page=2
MultiMedia Balloons N1 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=46755&cat=772&page=1

First af all, I cropped my photo : three cousins of mine who were jumping together !
Then I put it on a paperback that I made darker and I clipped some arsty papers on my figures.
I opened the balloons PSD in order to remove what I didnt want and I sticked it on my page.
I Writed my title and I clipped on it a other arsty paper. Some spalters.
At last, I duplicated the dark paper, put it in foreground and chose the overlay mode, changing colors in order to give my LO some nice contrasts.
WOW - I love this fun page, and how you used the multimedia balloons. Great Day 2 page!!!
This is wonderful. I love how it's so happy with such a serious background. ;)
What a cool page! Love how you have clipped the figures to paper and the balloons are just perfect here!
This makes me smile, the girls in the page will be so happy to see this layout expressing their joy!

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Anna Aspnes
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