
- apple walnut cake -

- apple walnut cake -

For the Cookie Exchange!!
Apple Walnut cake
- 4 eggs
- 2 cups of sugar
- 2 cups of walnuts
- 2 cups of flour
- 3 / 4 Granny Smith apples (sour apples)
- cup oil
- 1 theespoon Cinnamon
- 1 theespoon backing powder
- 1 theespoon Speculaas Kruiden

Mix the eggs and sugar, add the oil.
Add the Flower, cinnamon, Speculaaskruiden and baking powder, and mix
everything to a smooth batter.
Take the skin of the apples, and cut them into small pieces.
stirr the applepieces and walnuts through the batter.
Put it into a backing tray. (this is enought for a round 26cm diameter,
but I always use a square one)

+/- 45 minutes in the oven at 200C
Use a pin to check if the insite of the cakes is baked after 45minutes.
Is the pin still wet from the batter, leave the cake in the oven, but with a lower temperature.

Frame it 2 - NinaScraps
Hi, smells yummieyummie!!!

Haha, zou je denken dat iemand daar aan de andere kant van de wereld weet wat speculaaskruiden zijn? :) :) Trouwens, cinnamon ken ik weer niet. Is dat lekker?
Cinnamon is Kaneel.

We hebben in de koekjes topic al uitgevonden dat het in UK Mixed SPice heet. En ik had al een recept gevonden om de speculaaskruiden zelf te maken, en ook daar neer gezet :D
Sounds good. I think this may be the same cake we in the US often call "Jewish Apple Cake". Wonderfully moist.
Yvon - That looks amazing. the font is awesome. I think it needs to go into my faves so I can try making it.

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