For the Cookie Exchange!!
Apple Walnut cake
- 4 eggs
- 2 cups of sugar
- 2 cups of walnuts
- 2 cups of flour
- 3 / 4 Granny Smith apples (sour apples)
- cup oil
- 1 theespoon Cinnamon
- 1 theespoon backing powder
- 1 theespoon Speculaas Kruiden
Mix the eggs and sugar, add the oil.
Add the Flower, cinnamon, Speculaaskruiden and baking powder, and mix
everything to a smooth batter.
Take the skin of the apples, and cut them into small pieces.
stirr the applepieces and walnuts through the batter.
Put it into a backing tray. (this is enought for a round 26cm diameter,
but I always use a square one)
+/- 45 minutes in the oven at 200C
Use a pin to check if the insite of the cakes is baked after 45minutes.
Is the pin still wet from the batter, leave the cake in the oven, but with a lower temperature.
Frame it 2 - NinaScraps