Kit: The Sunday Edition by Paislee Press
Template: Flight Plan No. 1 by One Little Bird
Two years ago, if you had asked me where I think I would be today, I would never in a thousand guesses get close to where I actually am in life now. So asking me to guess about the next five years is hard, I know what I would like - but Im also a day by day type of person, I live each moment and ask for Gods guidance in the next. I cant make plans, because I know my plans aren't always His will. Five years from now, I would hope for a few things. I would hope that Jeff and I are closer to the idea of starting a family, if we havent already. I would also hope that we would have a place we can really call home. I would love for that place to be in the mountains or up North, but just as long as it feels like home. Most importantly, five years from now I would hope that both of us are in a career we enjoy and feel successful in. Five years from now, I just want to still be joyful!!!