

TMM Chall 18 Go For It - It Was Time For A Change

Created for the ‘These Moments Matter’ Month of Challenges by Pixels, Paper and Paint - Life in Pictures by Lynn and Rachel.
Credits list
Joulukuu Template Album by Lynn Grieveson
Tempus by Rachel Jefferies & Lynn Grieveson
Font - Filling In Love & VT Portable Remington

Some dinners from the spring of 2015.

I wanted to become a vegetarian as early as in my teens, but without support from home it was impossible. After that I've tried a couple of times through the years, but it's always been hard. Don't know exactly when, but in the end of 2014, Urban starts to feel it's not ok to keep on eating meat, and I'm all for it. We start by omitting red meat, but in only a couple of weeks, we feel that no meat is ok. We continue to eat seafood for a while, but sometime during the spring we became vegetarians. We still eat dairy and egg, but it's not that much these days. Right now, I don't feel like I want to become vegan. It involves so much more than just the food. So much more you have to think about. I'm happy like this. It's also more practical when you go out to eat at a restaurant. I just try and make as good choices as possible all the time, and that will have to be good enough.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Lynn Grieveson
  2. Rachel Jefferies
Photo(s) Credit (REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
My own
Beautiful layout, yummy too. I loved to read your journaling. I try to keep the meat to a minimum, but my husband refuses to become a vegetarian. Completely without meat is not a real option, but we do eat vegetarian a few times a week.

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Lynn Grieveson
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Rachel Jefferies,

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165.7 KB
800px x 800px

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