
Finding the light - AJ August Week 2

Finding the light - AJ August Week 2

This morning, I woke up again before the sun. It’s becoming a pattern now, this restless sleep. The temptation to give in to frustration is strong—those heavy moments when my body feels like it’s dragging through the day on a few broken hours of rest. But as I lay there, I remind myself that even in this hazy state, there’s always something good. There has to be.

The world feels different in those early, quiet hours. Instead of cursing the sleeplessness, I found myself turning it into something positive—a few extra hours to read, to be still, to gather my thoughts. It’s small, but it’s something. The silver lining. I try to hold on to that idea, that no matter how drained I might feel, there’s always a bright side, some solace if I just look for it.

It’s not always easy, though. There are days when my focus shifts too quickly to the things I can’t control, the things that aren’t working. The broken sleep, the endless to-do lists, the small annoyances that seem to pile up. But that’s the challenge, right? Finding the strength to focus on the positive, to steer myself away from the negativity. Every cloud has a silver lining—that’s the saying, and maybe I just need to believe it a little more.

It’s a kind of practice, this choosing to see the good. Even in the midst of chaos or tiredness, there’s something worth holding onto. Today, it’s the quiet before the day starts. Tomorrow, it might be the smell of fresh coffee, a moment of laughter, or a small victory at work. The silver linings are always there, even if I have to squint to see them sometimes.

So today, I’m choosing to focus. Not on the broken sleep, but on what I can still do with the day ahead. On the little things that bring comfort, the small moments of peace or joy. Because no matter how hard or restless the night, there’s always something good. I just have to keep looking for it.
Beautiful journaling. I think all women, as we age, have sleep deprivation because of the change in our hormones. You are trying to find the good in it! Great page!
Oh the journaling. So wonderful and relatable. I love the stormy grey and then the eye in the light. This page is so wonderful!!!!
The artwork is just fantastic, and then the journaling! WOW! So happy to be able to read your wonderful journaling in English. Thank you. Standing O! This is the first one I have given, so I hope I did it correctly. :)
I echo the thoughts about this journaling. We ALL need reminding that life has more good than we give credit for. You made me think of this passage: "you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies." Phil.4:8.9 Thank you for that!!
Sonia, love the LO but always I love to read the words you write - I always identify with your thoughts and what you are going thru. You gave me an idea for Week2 LO-I didn't know what I was going to create...thanks!

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