
Challenge #5: Que Sera Sera

Challenge #5: Que Sera Sera

As we gazed into the future that would be the first of October, it looked like it might be crazy busy and maybe a little bit spooky. We knew with a shutdown, they might close the gates at the refuge after we drove five hours. But at the last minute the fiasco was averted. Lots was going on.
Credits list
Anna Aspnes: Paper(winter) FIDTPack2Z, brushes
ET: Smile(glass lens)
Palvinka: HappyHauting
Simplette: ShadowsNBones
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. et designs
  3. Palvinka
  4. Simplette
What a great and creative take on the challenge. This is so cool. I always think it's great to think outside the box. Your layout is just perfect in every way.
Thank you so much for playing along with my challenge this month.
You are officially Queen of Double Page LOs :crown1:
What a stunning spread, love the hands holding the pages open!
Great page, love the "crystal ball" filled with things happening in the future!
Oh my goodness...how amazing is this? First, the layout is beautiful! I love what you do with double pages. Love how you titled the bottle with your title page. I am totally in awe of every detail!
I love this, DK! You are so creative with making these challenges fit your everyday life experiences! Congrats on your Standing O!

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Challenge 5
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902.2 KB
1224px x 771px

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