

Street Scenes

  • Media owner Miki
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Artplay Urbicolous Collection
Artplay Palette Urbicolous
City WordART Clusters 1
MultiMedia City 1
FotoBlendz Overlays 22

Urban Stitchez 18

photo by his mother

A solid paper from APP Urbicolous was used as the foundation for the page. Using the hue/saturation adjustment tool, the color of the paper was darken with more brown hues. The image was clipped to a FotoBlendz Overlays 22 psd layer, duplicated several times and clipped to other layers. Using a black AnnaBlendz Artsy 4 brush areas of the fotoblendz were painted in to give a more cohesive fill. All the layers were grouped, duplicated with the blending mode changed to soft light. Transfers from the kit were added (some of the white areas of the transfers were lightened, the blending mode changed to color burn or hard light). Word art and a MM City element were added along with some word art.

Thank you for looking!
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Love
Reactions: isDK
Just fabulous - love the extraction/blending, the extra reddish/brown and the trio of word art. Oh do we have black nails! Yesterday at the park I was admiring a 3-year-old girl's gold sparkly nails and Oz said, I want sparkly nails! Tempting, but I need to ask permission first ;-)
Just fabulous - love the extraction/blending, the extra reddish/brown and the trio of word art. Oh do we have black nails! Yesterday at the park I was admiring a 3-year-old girl's gold sparkly nails and Oz said, I want sparkly nails! Tempting, but I need to ask permission first ;-)
I didn't even notice the black nail polish (an art student has to look the part ). He's enjoying the college experience in the big city so far! :)
Wonderful urban vibe page. Your manipulation of the hue/saturation gives a great “old” look to the bricks
I'm glad he is enjoying himself, what an experience. Love that exposed brick look and how you made your adjustments to fit.

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Anna Aspnes
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653.2 KB
1000px x 1000px

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