
Blessed Family - 5 Generations

Blessed Family - 5 Generations

This newspaper clipping has been floating around in my family archives, and although this photo isn’t my direct line, the image shows my Great Grandmother, Grandmother, and my Aunt. My brother has digitized several photos, and this item was in his folder. All I had previously was a 4 x 4 photo copy. I plan to turn some of the old photos into layouts, print them, and bring them to our family reunion next month, so you will see more heritage layouts from me in the coming weeks.

Text Reads: Five generations -
Great-Great Grandmother Catherine Habel, age 92 (center); Great-Grandmother Ida "Edith" Habel Wolf; Grandmother Florence Peterson holding 2-month-old Shawn Lee Morton; Daughter-Mother Donna Morton (left).
Newspaper clipping written in 1964, Sheldon, Iowa.
Two years later in August 1966, Katherine Habel died (my Great grandmother). Four years later in June 1968, Florence Petersen died (my Aunt).

Construction: I started with the Artsy Layered Template 259. I used ArtPlay Palette Flock Solid Paper #3, duplicated with blending Multiply at 25% opacity. I placed Flock FotoBlendz No 1 #4 over the top of the template’s 4 frames, changing the frame matte color to a brownish red. I then clipped my photo to the FotoBlendz layer, and brushed in the masking. I played around with the sepia colored photo but decided on the black and white adjustment. I did use the sepia photo on top, blended it with linear Dodge at 30% opacity, which lightened the photo and then I masked some areas that were too bright.
I added palette artstrokes and transfers. I added layers from Flock FotoBlendz No 1 #2 and the Flock ArtsyTransfers #2 & #5. I get carried away with the layers sometimes!
I duplicated one of the template’s frames and clipped the original newspaper clipping to the frame’s mask. The frame size wasn’t quite right but I didn’t have to include all the text, so I didn’t.
For the clusters, I added the palette’s bow, star and lined words. I used the Gather WordART Mix No 2 Beaded Threadz “blessed” and the Homemade WordART Clusters No 1 #4, revising to make them my own saying, “An old family together”
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Reactions: lacy and Applechick
Fabulous! Everyone is going to be blown away by your great family pages! Keep them coming...I adore pages like this!
WOW! This IS Fabulous! Beautiful job on the extraction and blending. Wonderful keepsake.
Gorgeous heritage page! I like the various textures and limited embellishments that keep the focus on the main photo.
Wow! Five generations! What a great idea to create pages to bring to the reunion. I am sure your family will be pleased :)
Beautiful page to begin with.
i am already looking forward to your heritage pages.
your family will be thrilled when they see your pages. the first one has already turned out great.

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Anna Aspnes
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257.8 KB
1000px x 1000px

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