Rationing in the UK after WW2 didn't come to a complete end until the year I was born, in actual fact the general health of children improved and on average they were taller and heavier than children before the war. I remember the supplementary orange juice and cod liver oil and that milk was the drink favoured in our family; I loved milk until I got to teens then 'diet' fever swept over me so I rejected it as too calorific - what an idiot! Anyway, this is me with my Mum and Granny; both great bakers and cooks!
I adore this Artplay and it is PERFECT for vintage pages but after the cluttered page about my Aunt Mary I wanted something 'cleaner' so started with the template reduced it in size with the extra frames turned off and then added an extra transfer from the AP to give the horizontal detail. I played about with masking the photograph, different scales and blending modes then decided to import the notebook element and was happy with the effect so just added a couple of details from the WordArt collection.