

Nancy loved roses.jpg

  • Media owner NAdams
  • Date added
Aunt Nancy loved roses. Mom said that Nancy was taller before she started to age. Nancy Hannah and Mozelle Burchfield (Mom) were sisters. circa 1949
I suppose I need to add to the page that she always sent me a birthday card with roses. I still have them.
Credits list
ArtPlay Mini Palette Felicitous
APMP Felicitous is a gift with a $20 purchase until midnight PST on 13 March 2023!

All items are from the Felicitous palette. The Artsy Paper 1 sets the ground. Transfers were placed behind the standing figures. These were extracted by applying a layer mask and removing the ground. The elements created the simple cluster of rose, leaf, and thread. The ghosted extraction was duplicated and adjusted to ColorBurn 45% and SoftLight 45%.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Seriously nice. Love the photo and how you presented it. Love the roses. I'm a rose lover too so I get that. I'd frame it.
Beautiful vintage layout! Love the background filled with roses and the extraction you made (or did you blend the picture?)
I extracted the upper portion and blended around the feet and legs.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
224.3 KB
Date taken
Mon, 13 March 2023 8:30 AM
800px x 800px

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