

Jan '23 - Month Review Template p1A

  • Media owner lacy
  • Date added
I started this in early February and put it aside to finish later. It's my first time to use the Month Review Templates, and I got overwhelmed with all the layers. Anyway, this is the left half of the double page layout for January.

I started with P2A of the template and clipped all my photos to the masks and fotoblendz then recolored some stains, etc. of the template. I placed Serein Solid Paper 2 below the template layers. Embellished with elements, transfers, stains and splatters, and finished with the text box journaling which reads: We got quite a bit done on the little house in January. We got all the dirt work done for the septic tank, the front porch posts in, and a new ditch dug for water, electric and gas. We ordered siding the first week of January, but it was a 4-6 week back order. So not much else was done the rest of January.
Credits list
Month Review Template Album 7-1A
ArtPlay Mini Serein (solid paper 2, Artsy Transfer 1, Elements, Paper Texture) included with the template
ArtPlay Sayonara (elements)
ArtPlay Frondescence (transfer)
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
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Reactions: ksacry and zlemon
Things are looking good! I know what you mean about the overwhelm. Sometimes I look at all the layers and freeze. One of my goals for this year is to manipulate the templates more, as I've seen many do with the FotoInspired templates in the gallery. It doesn't come naturally to me (I'm not good at customizing knitting patterns either), so I'm going to concentrate on it.
Your 2 page layout is great! I've been using those templates a number of years and I always had issues with the clusters. Yours are perfect!
It looks great! What I love about the templates are the opportunities to flip them, turn them upside down, remove layers, add extra frames etc. and create endless variations! I'm enjoying watching your building progress!
Things are looking good! I know what you mean about the overwhelm. Sometimes I look at all the layers and freeze. One of my goals for this year is to manipulate the templates more, as I've seen many do with the FotoInspired templates in the gallery. It doesn't come naturally to me (I'm not good at customizing knitting patterns either), so I'm going to concentrate on it.
Yes that is an excellent idea. I've also thought about doing this, and then get obsessed over some frivolous detail, and hours later I've I'm still fussing with it.
Having never built anything, I don't have much to go on but it seems your construction project is moving along at a wonderful pace.
I can understand being overwhelmed by layers and getting hung up on a tiny detail. I've had layer histories consisting entirely of turning a layer visibility on and off, on and off, on and off o_O

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Anna Aspnes
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299.2 KB
600px x 600px

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