


  • Media owner musicmom3
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Catching up on some earlier grandbaby photos for the baby book and I cannot believe how much this guy has changed in just a few weeks since this photo was taken. This image shows the happy Dad with the family dogs (Arthur and Llewyn) plus Cousin Buko (the one sitting on Jake's lap). It's one of those weird photos to scrap because it's so busy and doesn't play well with other photos. So I chose the simple route, blending the photo into my chosen background paper with my fave brushes—to make this easier, I always turn the blend mode to multiply so I can follow the contours of the paper when blending, then I revert to “normal” when done. I added the wordART from the collection next, changing “Perfect Pause” to “Perfect Paws” for obvious reasons. Once the structure was in place, I added another Artsy Paper on color burn mode at full opacity to enliven the background and then let it rip with embellishments and multi-layers from Artsy Transfer #4. At the last minute I slid in a frame from the collection's Framed Masks set to further contain the chaos and, after flattening the file, added a slight gold gradient at the bottom on color burn mode.
Credits list
Sojourn Collection, available at 53% discount until March 1 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Sojourn-Collection.html

AnnaBlendz Artsy Brushes #4 https://www.oscraps.com/shop/AnnaBlendz-Artsy-No-4.html
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
I laughed out loud at this photo. Just another day with baby and the dogs. Fabulous play on the title and love the little branch piece holding down the word strip.

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Anna Aspnes
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File size
233.3 KB
Date taken
Wed, 22 February 2023 2:33 PM
648px x 648px

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