

Lady Liberty

Credits list
Art Collection Cosmopolis
Artplay Palette Cosmopolis
Artsy Transfers Cosmopolis
Art WordART Mix 1
MultiMedia Frames 4
Taped Textures 6

Artplay Palette Moorlands (transfer)
Taped Dotty Polkas 1
Button Threadz 6
Excerpts 2
12x12 Page FotoBlendz 11

Artsy paper Cosmopolis 4 was used as the foundation of the page. Solid paper 3 was layered above with the blending mode changed to hard light (opacity 65%). This lightened up the grunge of the artsy paper. Solid paper 1 from the kit was clipped to the resized 12x12 Page FotoBlendz mask to provide a background for the statue. The Statue of Liberty was extracted and a transfer from APP Moorlands was clipped to it with the blending mode changed to color burn. The image was duplicated 2 more times to give it more definition and depth. A layer mask was added, using a soft black brush, areas of the image were hidden. The MM Frames 4_4 frame was added. The page was completed by adding word art, layers from AT Cosmopolis, dimensional embellishments and threadz.

Thank you for looking!
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
AHA! Those lips. I had to go look closer at the transfers to find that one. Wonderful concept and beautifully executed. I would really like to take the class to learn how you come up with these ideas. :)

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
575 KB
1000px x 1000px

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