


I'm at least 3 days behind on Project 2022, but hope to catch up this weekend. At least earlier in the week, there were still some trees with their fall leaves on. I had to use fall-colored palettes for this page.

Project Template Album 8 page 5.
The FotoBLendz is on the right - duplicated 3 times to get coverage for the large photo. Also duplicated several of the frames to extend the blue sky.
Frames were placed on the left and size adjusted and rearranged to suit my photos.
The extraction on the right is from iPhone - all I did was add a custom shadow.

I really like the lines in the large photo from the overhead wires, so played with adding lines and circles to the page for visual interest.
Gorgeous yellow tree supported by all the other yellows throughout. And the lines! Great idea to just let them be and enhance. I always want to brush them away.
I hope Oz is feeling better. Love what you did on the right with the big yellow tree as a background for the extracted image.
Gorgeous yellow tree supported by all the other yellows throughout. And the lines! Great idea to just let them be and enhance. I always want to brush them away.
I know, I used to brush away wires, now I embrace them. I love living in a city and this is a city sign, so I frame it right in the photo :)
I hope Oz is feeling better. Love what you did on the right with the big yellow tree as a background for the extracted image.
Thank you! yes, finally Oz was able to go back to school on Friday. I really like the scale contrast with the extraction and the tree - it was fun :)

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Anna Aspnes
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1000px x 618px

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