


There's nothing my grandson loves more than when we babysit my friend's dog Molly!
Credits list
ArtPlay Palette Epiphany (Artsy Paper, Overlay, Transfer, leaf element)
ArtPlay Palette Rougir (twig)
ArtPlay Palette Verdure (String)
Leaf Sprinklez 1
MultiMedia Branches 17
TNT Hearts 2
MultiMedia Hearts 4
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Felix is adorable (somehow I missed pictures of him growing up), and I like how you were able to fit in two photos. Excellent way to locate the wordart too. Also...love the hat. One of yours? Am looking for a pattern for the Mischa and Puff garter hat--if you come across one, let me know! Doing a lot of baby knitting these days, and just finished a knock-off M & P baby bobble sweater. Anyway, gorgeous layout, as usual.
Oh how precious... a boy and his dog... you have captured the bonding... and the adventure... the placement of the leaves on their path... colors are fantastic... adorable F...
Wonderful blending on this layout! I love how the pictures grab the focus and my eye travels down to the torn heart and word art.
Those curls! Felix looks quite stylish on his walk with Molly. Practice for when you get him his own dog? Love the torn heart as the space for your title.
What cute photos, the treatment is really nice. I like the little pops of color throughout the page. Congrats on your GSO!
Those curls! Felix looks quite stylish on his walk with Molly. Practice for when you get him his own dog? Love the torn heart as the space for your title.
There has been much debate about getting a dog but I think they are sticking with their cat at the moment and 'borrowing' Molly every now and then!
Felix is adorable (somehow I missed pictures of him growing up), and I like how you were able to fit in two photos. Excellent way to locate the wordart too. Also...love the hat. One of yours? Am looking for a pattern for the Mischa and Puff garter hat--if you come across one, let me know! Doing a lot of baby knitting these days, and just finished a knock-off M & P baby bobble sweater. Anyway, gorgeous layout, as usual.
The last four things I have knitted have been bobble garments - three cardigans and I'm I'm just about finished a sweater for Neve. A Misha and Puff kids bobble cardigan is about £160 :oops: I've found a couple of links to possible hat patterns that might do so I'll email you the links!
Congrats on the Gallery StandOUT! Well deserved, and as pretty much everybody else has already pointed out why! Gorgeous!

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
761.7 KB
864px x 864px

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