

September 2022, FotoInspired Template Pack 2Y

  • Media owner lacy
  • Date added
With so much going on I forgot to put together a September layout and realize now I probably should have used a Month Review Template for these layouts...oh well, maybe next year (in 3! months).

Clockwise from top left: Chris proudly modeling his 'new' tool belt Ron gave him, the last I saw of Alvin (appearing to attempt scaring the squirrels away), a yellow weed, our '66 Chevelle in Eureka Springs at a car show we attended, got a new Monument Grill (love it) that Tracy & Chris put together while we were at Eureka Springs (YAY!), a bunch of deer around the feeder in the pasture, some fall leaves, and the 10 pt buck we saw in the yard (which we haven't seen since bow season opened Oct. 1) :(

After loading the template layer file into a new document, I simply clipped my photos to the masks. I deleted frame 2 dividers, label and tab leaving one landscape mask for the fall leaves. I added Autumn Cheer Solid Paper 1 below the template layers, and a copy clipped to the journaling frame mask, then some Autumn Cheer brush work above that. I added MultiMedia Branches 9-1 plus some layers from MultiMedia Magic Sprinklez 3-1 from the new Frondescense Palette (beads, seeds, confetti, splatters and fotoglows), duplicating the splatters, flipped and placed on the left side. I added the Project Template Album 7 Word Art Sep with the De Novo knotted ribbon on top but masking out part of ribbon over the 'S', and journaling in the text box. Added Bicycle yellow button and Rudeneja teal button and urban threadz.
Credits list
FotoInspired Template Pack No. 2Y page 9
ArtPlay Autumn Cheer (solid paper 1, brushes, elements)
MultiMedia Branches No. 9-1
MultiMedia Magic Sprinkles No. 3-1 (part of the NEW ArtPlay Frondescence, now on sale)
ArtPlay Palette Bicycle (yellow button)
ArtPlay Palette Rudeneja (teal Button)
Urban Threadz No. 12-13
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
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Reactions: ksacry
Great photos, I love the addition of the black and white photos! nice spots of yellow and orange!
the set is perfect! I love this deer that immediately attracts the eye!
Great collage of September photos and colors! Two bucks with antlers locked were in my backyard this morning. Guess it's that time of year.
Excellent use of FotoInspired. Love how prominent that buck is and the relationship between the b/w squirrel and the b/w deer at the bottom.

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Anna Aspnes
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286.2 KB
600px x 600px

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