
Journaling reads:
By all accounts, Aunt Nellie was quite the character. She was expelled from school in England for refusing to pay for sewing supplies and was quite happy to go home without learning that skill. She must have been about 6 or 7 years old. She was 8 when the Winter family boarded the Germanic in 1882 to come to the US. She traveled with her parents and 9 siblings ranging in age from 6-22. After a sojourn of 2 years in Illinois, sister Annie and her family arrived just as the Winter family headed to Nebraska where Nellie became a US citizen when her father naturalized in 1889. By 1890 they were in Iowa where Nellie met and married Dave Williams who, while not an immigrant himself, was the son of a Welsh father. They were a happy couple and God graced them with 2 sons - Daniel and Lloyd.
There is no record of Nellie being a suffragette, but she certainly registered to vote She made a note in her Bible that she was the first woman drawn for jury duty in Hancock County, Iowa in March 1921, just over 6 months after ratification of the 19th Amendment. She was happy and proud to serve. Sadly, just 15 months later, Dave died on 10 Jun 1922. On 6 Dec 1922 Aunt Nellie wrote sadly in her Bible “First Snow fell on Dave's grave.” Nellie eventually remarried and was widowed a second time. Then she became a traveling woman - visiting her many siblings and their families. She was loved by all who knew her and whose lives she touched. I sure wish I could have known her!

This LO wasn't difficult. I love the bold solid papers, but just HAD to blend. It's a compulsion, I just can't help myself!
The background is Phenomenal Woman paper 8 in lighter color mode blended over 52-22-11 paper 5b in divide mode blended over 52-2022-11 paper 3b. I then applied a grunge mask from 52-2022-9. After adding all the elements I thin added the thread from 52-2022-9 and the scribble from 52-2022-17.
Credits list
Phenomenal Women by Vick Stegall
Also uses grunge mask and thread from 52 Inspirations 2022 09 and 2 papers from 52 Inspirations 2022-11, and the scribble from 52 Inspiration 2022-17 all by Vicki Stegall
Fonts: Castellar and John Lennon
Photo is mine.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Vicki Stegall
It sounds like she lived a very full life. Love the balance between the framed photo and cluster and the journaling. It's hard to do sometimes, when you have a lot to say. A fantastic heritage page.
This is a wonderful story and layout. Makes me wish I'd known her too, and knew as much about my ancestors.

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Oscraps Cheery O's
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Susan - s3js
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