
Susan - s3js


I think I have all the colors here. The 19th Amendment was especially important to my great grand aunt Nellie. I will detail that in an upcoming LO. Harry T. Burn, a Republican Tennessee State Legislator, had been undecided going into the vote on 18 August 1920. A letter delivered to him at the state house that day urged him to "be a good boy...help Mrs. Catt." While not a direct admonishment to vote for the amendment, Carrie Chapman Catt was the activist trying to get it passed in Tennessee. Harry understood her perfectly and, after due consideration, voted to pass the amendment rather than table it for the next session. His was the vote that ratified the amendment and made it the law of the land. Thank you, Harry!

While this LO took a lot of time in getting the colors and content just right, Rachel's template - I used the basic version for this piece - made this a snap. Simply clip the images to the desired mask, adjust color as necessary, add journaling and go.
Credits list
Pocket Art Signature Kit 13 by Rachel Jefferies
Fonts: John Lennon and Rub This!
Images are all in the public domain
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Rachel Jefferies
Your page is an impressive use of what's available in the public domain. Brought together with a family tie, film frames, stitches and just the right colors and fonts. ;)
What a neat look back in time to a very significant rights movement - the passing of the Women's Right to Vote! Fabulous page design using historical photo, posters and news items. Thanks for joining the challenge and giving us a look back in time.
This is so good! Congrats on the Standing O! Well deserved. Such a great history lesson you packed in there with the family history!
SO SO FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!...Wonderful! history telling!!!...Congrats! on the well-deserved Standing O!!!... #kiss...

Layout information

Challenge 5
Added by
Susan - s3js
Date added
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Additional categories
Oscraps Cheery O's, Rachel Jefferies,

Image metadata

File size
333.4 KB
600px x 600px

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