
anna-aspnes-digital-art-fotoinspired-template-2Y Rockaway Beach #1

anna-aspnes-digital-art-fotoinspired-template-2Y Rockaway Beach #1

Always best to start at the beginning - first photos taken, Page 1 of FotoInspired Template Pack 2Y. I selectively placed the frames and masks to distribute my photos, trying to select photos to give a good representation.
ArtPlay Plage solid paper. Added Plage and Sky Transfers.
When I desaturated the photo of the fence on the left, I realized I needed to balance the desaturation, and was liking the brown color, so used this for title and splatters.
Title technique - two copies, fill with white and nudge, then add drop shadow.
Sea Sprinklez added selectively.
Pink visual triangle created with shells and elements.
Very nice presentation. Looks good spread over two pages. Love those blues and browns together.
Cher has a friend! Great photos and love the mood that the blues and browns create!
They're more like two old ladies that tolerate one another ;-) Yes, thanks, I love the blues and browns (accidentally discovered when I desaturated) - they capture the fogginess of the coast.
Somehow feels very relaxed--the colors and photos. Terrific idea for creating the dimensional title.
How cool is this? they look like best friends!! love all the different kinds of framing and the blending.

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Anna Aspnes
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206.7 KB
1000px x 618px

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