

Eva's Sweater

  • Media owner musicmom3
  • Date added
I knit my daughter a sweater.

Overlay, edge, and paper value packs on sale now in the store!

I used Potpourri paper #4 for my base, then stacked a bunch of the other PotPourri papers atop on color blend mode to add extra subtle texture. I added my photo, doing a simple brush/layer-mask extraction. The Artist Edge Overlays were really useful here as a way to define the photo, a selfie that was cut off at both the top and the bottom—I used one overlay as a frame and another as an accent. Also, I got some deeper pop on the paper texture at the bottom by duplicating my background paper (#4) on color burn blend mode, then whisking away the top of the duplication with a layer mask. Two stitched borders—one straight, one askew—finished off this design, and I also added a branch and a handful of buttons.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
A warm and fuzzy hug from miles away ... how awesome! Love the stitching and the fabulous photo!
I love the combination of your extraction against the white background!! What a lovely way to send a hug - one that keeps giving!!❤
Warm like the sweater and I love the lines and potpourri paper that are also handmade.
Great use of stitches! makes sense, right! and a great looking sweater! I may have to lift this for a page about the sweater I just finished for Oz :-) Perfect tonal embellishments.
Gorgeous page - love the design and the journaling. What a wonderful way to send a hug.
Always like to see your knitted creations! A beautiful one for your daughter.
Love the use of the stitched paper and the stitched frames as element choices.

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Anna Aspnes
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Eva's Sweater-web.jpg
File size
186.2 KB
Date taken
Thu, 07 April 2022 10:40 AM
648px x 648px

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