


Prepping the photos for this page was a nightmare. The original pictures used on pages 22 and 23 were so yellowed and faded they were almost invisible. I scanned at various resolutions, and used PSE, Topaz, and MyHeritage, trying color and b/w to try and improve them. I've used MyHeritage colorization before with mixed results, but realized when downloading the file it's only 96 dpi, so I had to resort to other methods. They aren't great, but much improved. I ended up using my own colorization, hue/saturation and blend mode adjustments.

The photo of Rose in the frame with the hinge was inspired by Marnie's "Grandmother" layout. Grandmother

December 24, 1930.
"We got started this morning at 6:25 and crossed the New Mexico line at 6:35. In the distance were a lot of mountain peaks and after traveling a short while they began to change shapes and after a while there were none there at all. They say it is a mirage. The country is rather high... We crossed the continental divide at 9:15... crossed the Arizona line at 10:45. Arizona has state inspection so we had to be looked over just a few miles across the line. The Apache Indian Reservation is a high dry desert. They live in straw huts made with poles as a foundation and covered with some sort of straw. Some have a canvases wrapped around the outside. Along the road was the Coolidge Dam and we began to see huge cactus plants as high as 15ft..."

Thank you for looking.
Credits list
Project Template Album No. 7
APP Lateritious (backgorund paper, label)
APP Biblio Mini (paper clipped to blendz, frame, metal handle, string recolored, ribbon, solid paper behind photo recolored)
Postcard of Coolidge Lake (Rose's postcard collection, colorized)
Family photos edited and colorized
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
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Thank you so much. Aunt Ellen's little travel journal is falling apart. The pencil writing is faded in some places, and the pages are loose and crumbled away from the center. It looks as though it was originally stitched in the middle. Old photos are a treasure to us no matter their condition

Oh, handling those pages must feel like traveling back in time...

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Anna Aspnes
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155.1 KB
800px x 800px

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