

Create Yourself

  • Media owner beszteri
  • Date added
Creating ArtJournaling pages always makes me calm.

Creating process:
1. I started to create the title word. I chose the Hi Janetta font and wrote the word. I added 'Stroke' layer style to it: size 8 px, position outside, blend mode normal, with white color fill type. With right click on the layer effects on the layers palette I chose the 'Create Layer' option. I added the 'Drop Shadow' layer style to the stroke layer and I created a new layer from it like the previous step. Onto the shadow layer I applied a Custom Warp mode. After that I created a new layer upper the font layer. Then I made a selection from the font layer (Ctrl + click onto the layer thumbnail), after this Select menu/Modify/Contract... (10 px) and finally fill the selection with Shift+Back. Onto this layer I applied a free gold layer style and moved it a little bit right.
2. When I was ready with the title work, I chose a solid paper.
3. I placed a few transfers and overlays behind the title.
4. I chose some elements and brushes.
5. Finally I wrote the other parts of the quote.

Thanks for looking!
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Love
Reactions: zlemon
very nice greeting card, full of delicacy in its central motif, highlighted by the large white space!
I connect with this because for me it's like going on an adventure and only coming back when all the parts and pieces fit and make sense, and there is a balance about it all that calms me. Your balance is lovely and your adventure with color, texture and wordArt is interesting.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
388.7 KB
800px x 800px

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