

Take A Break

  • Media owner Dorci
  • Date added
  • For the foundation of the page I used a white background and SolidPaper 4 from APP Yuletide with opacity 60%.
  • I added Fernweh ArtsyTransfers 2 and 5. A couple of layers were removed. The others were moved around and I played with their blending modes. Some layers of the Yuletide ArtsyTransfers 2 and 5 was also added.
  • Yuletide FotoBlendz 5 was added - some layers were deleted. I clipped my photo to the mask and some of the textures. Photo mask was set to Vivid Light.
  • A Tree Brush was added. It was moved to the right of the page, duplicated, rotated horizontal and moved to left. Both copies were duplicated again with blending mode Color Burn. ArstyPaper 2 from APP Yuletide was clipped to the brush with Linear Light blending mode.
  • Added wordART (duplicated with Overlay blending mode), text, splatters from the new BrushSet and called it done.

Thank you for looking,
Credits list
Splatters No. 12
Splatters No. 13
Splatters No. 14 (These are available as a collection at 47% discount or 20% off individually.)
Trees No. 5 (on sale as well)
ArtPlay Yuletide Collection (still on sale)
ArtsyTransfers Yuletide (still on sale)
ArtsyTransfers Fernweh
Epoch WordART Mix No. 1
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Beautiful blending. Love that there are areas where the color is deeper and areas of transparency. The lighting effect is terrific!

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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Image metadata

Take a Break_APP Yuletide-Fernweh_Dorci_1000.jpg
File size
843.2 KB
1000px x 1000px

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