
October Challenge #4 - Seasonal — At Oscraps https://oscraps.com/community/threads/october-challenge-4-seasonal.34213

The challenge required us to scrap the least favorite part of the season and although they might not be the #1 thing I dislike about fall, acorns are truly a pain in the butt. When I am trying to walk on my uneven lawn, acorns make me lose my balance, and one of these down, they are going to bring me down.

I tried something new when I made the gold glitter leaf, there might be an easier or better way so if there is, please share :)

I opened the leaf file in photoshop, then duplicated that layer. I added a layer mask to the bottom layer. Then I went to the top layer, Image>Adjustements>Threshold. I adjusted the slider so there was a speckling of white in the black. Then I went to Select> Color Range. I lowered the Fuzziness to 9 and then selected the white spots, Next, I turned the visibility of the top layer off, clicked on the Layer Mask, and then erased the selections. Last I used the glitter layer style to make it look like a lacy gold leaf.
Credits list
Kit: Sweet Autumn Page Kit by Vero — https://www.oscraps.com/shop/sweet-autumn-page-kit-by-vero.html
Style: Sweet Autumn Glitter Styles by Vero — https://www.oscraps.com/shop/sweet-autumn-glitter-styles-by-vero.html
Cluster: Sweet Autumn Clusters by Vero — https://www.oscraps.com/shop/sweet-autumn-clusters-by-vero.html
Clipping Mask: 12 X 12 Page FotoBlendz No. 6 — https://www.oscraps.com/shop/12-X-12-Page-FotoBlendz-No.-6.html by Anna Aspnes
Photo: Photo by Duong Thinh on Unsplash https://unsplash.com/photos/6dYhfmN...m_medium=referral&utm_content=creditShareLink
Font: Alita
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. Vero
We don't have acorns here, and I was very surprised on a trip to NC, to walk on those hard lumps amongst the mosses and falling leaves .Crazy! We vacuum up our pine cones. Can you suck them up too? o_O
Here it's the chestnuts that are more of a problem than the acorns (which are also a trip hazard). I feel the same way - one of those chestnuts is gonna bring me down some day. Love the closeup!
We don't have acorns here, and I was very surprised on a trip to NC, to walk on those hard lumps amongst the mosses and falling leaves .Crazy! We vacuum up our pine cones. Can you suck them up too? o_O
I can vacuum them only after the dog crunches them to bits! They are deadly when they hide under the leaves and you walk on them. Nature's Legos!
Here it's the chestnuts that are more of a problem than the acorns (which are also a trip hazard). I feel the same way - one of those chestnuts is gonna bring me down some day. Love the closeup!
We used to have three hickory trees and the nuts from them could concuss you! LOL JK on that but they def. dented the hoods of our cars
Wonderful! I love the closeup--looks so innocent! (We have woodchuck and mole holes, making parts of the lawn like a minefield.)
How beautiful you've designed this. How can anything so pretty be so deep-footed. :) Living in NC, I see plenty of acorns my walks but thankfully I can see them from distance and don't have to live with them. :) I love the mixture of the acorns & florals, you used, to show the beauty of these little "nature's legos. :)
"Nature's Legos" ... too funny ... but a perfect description! Beautiful photo. I love the splashes of glitter. IMO, everything looks friendlier with glitter.
I love your page--so beautiful even if you are not fond of acorns. I still like to collect them and use them for decorations around the fall or christmas time.
Love the candor and the beauty of your page. I too collect them, to me they are a marvel of nature.Love the macro with the detailed leaf and the canvas texture in the border.

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Challenge 4
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Member Galleries, Anna Aspnes, Vero - The French Touch, Oscraps Cheery O's,

Image metadata

oct seasonal.jpg
File size
194.9 KB
Date taken
Wed, 13 October 2021 3:52 PM
600px x 600px

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