

We are all the same & we are all different.

I did sit & think about this challenge. I think nearly everyone in my life, I am grateful for & I think they are all weird somehow, they can be funny, quirky, caring, annoying but all in their special ways. I’m lucky to have those characters around me. So I wanted to show i feel that we are connected in our similarities but also in our differences, we all have something special or weird & unique. Things, as we travel through life, can happen that makes you stop & think & then you remember everyone is important & one of a kind.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Vicki Robinson Designs
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Reactions: Vicki Robinson
I totally love how much thought went into your page! The unique background, the use of repetition, drawing attention to each figure with round frames! And the wonderful explanation, so beautifully expressed! Standing O for you, Melanie!
this is just perfect! I love how each silhouette has its own character and emotion and the elements add to the feeling of being unique! Congrats on the Standing O!!
Thank you so much. The Standing O means so much & I’m so glad you liked what I did & I really appreciate it. It is such a lift. @Vicki Robinson

Thank you for your awesome compliment & congratulations @faerywings

I’m so happy that my story I wanted to convey was clearly seen. It’s not always so. Lol.
Congrats on the Standing O! So well deserved.
Very creative take on the challenge! Love what you did with the silhouettes ...
Congrats - I selected your page for the Oscraps FB page! It will be published later today ...
Thank you for your compliments & wow, amazing! Thank you so much. It’s so exciting & will be going to check out Facebook now. That’s really awesome. Such a wonderful thing to do! :)
What a wonderful expression of how we are all different yet basically connected. Really inspiring! Congrats on your Standing O!

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Vicki Robinson Designs
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222.5 KB
600px x 600px

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