
You are loved

You are loved

My grandson was blessed by an old lady in my daughter-in-law's home village in Thailand before they moved to Bangkok to arrange all the paperwork for the trip to Sweden.
Credits list
ArtPlay Palette Apothic
Love WordART No. 4
Love WordART Mix No 2
MultiMedia Stars No 2
MultiMedia Hearts No 3

Process: I started with my photo and made it b/w. I placed an artsy paper from ArtPlay Palette Apothic above and the blending mode was set to Hard Light. Another artsy paper was placed above thi and set to blending mode Color Dodge. Then I did a copy of the first paper and rotated it and placed it at the top with the blending mode Hard Light. I added a mask to this layer and made some editing. Then I did a copy of the photo and the blending mode was set to Multiply. This photo layer was now placed at the top. Now I started to add transfers from ArtPlay Palette Apothic and I used a mask for everyone for the editing. I added a flower from the APP and did som copies of it and these got different blending modes. Then I placed brushes from the APP and recolored them into white. I finished my layout with the stars from MultiMedia Stars No 2, heart from MultiMedia Hearts No 3 and word and wordart from Love WordART Mix No 2 and Love WordART No. 4.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Absolutely incredible photo. Love the cluster. Hope the move to Sweden goes smoothly...you must be so excited!
Men jösses! Vilket fantastiskt foto - och du har ju dessutom gjort en magisk layout av det. GSO!
Wonderful photo and treatment, and I'm happy for your family as things are moving along. Not at the speed we'd all wish, but they are moving. :cool:
Incredible photo, texture and story! The close-up and black and white are so powerful! Hoping for everything to go well!
Amazing photo and details! Hoping the move goes quickly and smoothly. Gorgeous page!
Incredible photo..What a journey for the little one.As he grows, he will appreciate the beautiful art that his grandmother created..Very touching layout!
Une page magnifique Ulla May, les mains de cette femme âgée qui bénissent votre petit fils, c'est très fort ,puissant et émouvant, j'espère que bientôt vous pourrez le serrer tout fort contre vous.
That is one powerful photo; the way you blended it with the various products is amazing, and to have such a story attached to it? Congrats on your well-deserved Standing O!

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Anna Aspnes
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101.4 KB
600px x 600px

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