

AnnaColor: Lady Bird Lake

I decided to do some art all about Austin, because I am moving at the end of the month. I am finally gonna be in the same state, city and even house as my favorite photographer. (He's a patient man.) Put my house on the market on Thursday, had 3 offers on Monday. But I will greatly miss Austin. This is the walking path along Lady Bird Lake which is really the Colorado River. It's gorgeous even in the dog days of summer. Small photo is another lake view. Y'all come visit!
Credits list
Used one of Anna's scenic templates.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
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A big beautiful photo for big memories and a big move and it's all enchanting! I hope you thoroughly document this journey so we all can follow along. The real estate market is nuts, right? Definitely the right time to sell!
Well, if this layout won't get everyone to long to go to Austin, I don't know what would! love the big photo, and how you let it float into water color sky. Lovely!
Wonderful photos and even better news! Utah? (I'm just guessing.) A lot closer for us than Austin and I hope you get to go on some amazing adventures with him. You'll love it as soon as you learn to pee like a Jeep girl. Can you see I have big dreams for you after your long wait for this. :cool:
I look forward to seeing more of beautiful Austin, and am very happy for you! I love large-photo pages like this! Pretty scene!
Yay! The move is happening! Happy Trails to you ... Austin is a beautiful city and I know you'll miss it but new adventures await. Beautiful photo!
I am sure you will conquer your journey much like your art...patiently and with love.Enjoy this new chapter, can't wait for the art to appear.
très belle photo et page Christy, Vous partez vivre de nouvelles aventures je vous souhaite tout le bonheur du monde!
Beautiful photos! You will love having the extra pictures and pages of special spots around Austin.

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Anna Aspnes
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209.9 KB
600px x 600px

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