

Unplanned trip to the beach

Lots & lots of different packs & kits as I was not planning to use this as a challenge entry.
Photo is Deposit photos: bikini woman. Editing with the graphic tool I use were Noise & Directional perspective blur. It goes out from her face. I made that the clear point & the photo blurs out.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. Foxeysquirrel
  3. Joanne Brisebois
  4. Lorie Davison
  5. Manu Design Studio
  6. Palvinka
  7. Reginafalango
  8. Simplette
  9. Sue Cummings
  10. Viva Artistry
  • Love
Reactions: Mary Davies
Fantastic page with a lot of products woprking perfectly together! love the effect on the photo!
Thank you, it took me a while to create the list of credits. . It’s a good example of that I’m not the best at planning. Thanks for the comment on the photo as well.
This is just stunning, it really caught my eye in the gallery! So many designers elements came together so nicely.
This is just stunning, it really caught my eye in the gallery! So many designers elements came together so nicely.
Thank you for the great compliment. To know it can catch your eye is such an awesome thing to say.

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Challenge 1
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File size
204.5 KB
600px x 600px

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